Part 5, continued

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With a lot of hard work, since the newspaper office burned down, CrazyGoose managed to put out a special edition of The Weekly Pillars, explaining the tragedy and the fact that the Gold Rush contest was cancelled

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With a lot of hard work, since the newspaper office burned down, CrazyGoose managed to put out a special edition of The Weekly Pillars, explaining the tragedy and the fact that the Gold Rush contest was cancelled. The town took an economic hit along with the sad killing of Editor Parker. A decision was taken about the disposal of the Midnight Gold and it was temporarily stored in the bank over night.

The following morning, stannbear showed up looking to carry out the plan and had to round up CrazyGoose and 3Gun. Lean was someplace Hunter took her with Crooked Smile and Raven; her leg was still healing. The trio loaded the Midnight Gold into a wagon and drove to pick up Lean. CrazyGoose complained the entire time about the possibility of inhaling the burning Gold, which was their plan. They were going to take  it well out of town, dig a big hole, dump the Gold in then burn and bury it.

Lean thought she was sleeping with the Gold because the empty boxes it came in were left with Hunter. When they picked her up she was less than pleased to have Raven and Crooked Smile laughing at her. Then, when she got in the wagon with a garden trowel, she was teased again. They found a spot and carried out their plan. Smoke curled up into the sky giving CrazyGoose fits. She covered her face with hay that was in the bottom f the wagon to filter out the fumes and urged everyone to get going.

With the Midnight Gold problem taken care of, Lean wanted to organize a Town Hall meeting. This had been tried a long time ago by 3Gun, to no avail. Her idea, however, had merit and the reason turned out to be her father. She was defending him from the suspicions surrounding him over the cocopop manufacture and distribution. She wanted to hear from the others on the subject then make a final decision on how to handle Alister Copper Clover.

3Gun needed to be alone, he needed to think things through so he left the meeting and went to his room at the hotel. He understood Lean's emotions over her father but there was too much unanswered. Even the death of Charlie, her brother, came into question. CrazyGoose had spoken up, surprising everyone with her appearance. She had blood on her shirt from a strange injury during the robbery. It was passed off as a punch but was never determined who delivered it. She stated that we all needed to know more about Alister, She wanted facts and proof.

New to the group, after changing sides because of a falling out with Croc and Steel, stannbear was unimpressed with the whole thing. He never knew Charlie or anything about Alister and as far as the old man that they heard about, ranting in the saloon, he just figured it was Lean's old man. He left the meeting and went back to the saloon. Meanwhile, 3Gun had gone over to the jail to clean it up. If Alister was possibly going to be arrested, it would have to be by him and he wanted a clean place to keep him.

In the office desk he found some old papers belonging to BillyBobPete, the ex sheriff. They had information about the cocopop operation and that it was someone in Busted Gulch that had taken it over . . . someone who knew Charlie. 3Gun left the jail and went back to the saloon to wait for the others.

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