Part 6

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Lean's dad , Alister, had been a mystery from the start for everyone

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Lean's dad , Alister, had been a mystery from the start for everyone. One minute he was a desperate father trying to help his son. The next, he was doing the very things Charlie, BillyBobPete and Spent Shell had done. Lean wanted to find him and get her own answers, and it was just before the Busted Gulch horse race, that she introduced another mysterious character, Hunter Kanga. The saloon needed a bartender and she suggested he take on he job.

There was something about their relationship that seemed odd. Hunter was a friend of her father and always seemed to have information from sources nobody saw or knew. He never seemed to cause any trouble and he made a mean drink so, he was just accepted by all.

3Gun had arrived back at he saloon to find everyone there ahead of him and he was surprised to see that Lean's father had showed up for a confrontation with his daughter. He asked the spectators what was happening, and Crooked Smile told him they were challenging one another to a winner take all Yahtzee game. Raven added the fact that Alister was some kind of champion player and he worried for Lean. 3Gun asked about CrazyGoose, but no one knew where she was. He got a beer from Hunter and joined stannbear at a table away from the crowd.

The game went on for a long time and the onlookers groaned and cheered along with the play. When it finally ended, it had been with a loud yelp from Lean . . . she had won. She had beaten Alister at his best game, and now he had to pay up. The stakes had been high. If Lean had lost, she had to promise never to look into the chocohol situation again, which meant she would never find out about her brother or her father's full connection to the drug business. However, it was Alister who lost and he lost big time. He had to create a Limerick about the Clover family and go to jail for his part in the distribution of cocopops.

3Gun followed the rules and placed Alister under arrest. He took him to the jail and locked him up then showed him the papers he had found in the desk. Alister refused to say anything. Hunter appeared and the mood changed but Alister stuck to his guns, insisting on something to drink and to see Lean . . . alone. He had something to give her.

Hunter said nothing, but 3Gun agreed and left for the saloon. Outside, he was confronted by CrazyGoose who had suddenly appeared, wanting to know all the facts for the paper. 3Gun said there was nothing he could tell her, she could ask Lean after the visit. stannbear confirmed that Lean was still in the saloon, celebrating mildly, with a number of drinks. When 3Gun and CrazyGoose came in, he pulled her aside and asked what she was doing in the supply room and who was she sending CrazyMoose to with another of her famous messages.

CrazyGoose confessed to being in the supply room, but only to check on whether they were there or not. The message was for another informant of hers trying to find out where they were. When stannbear suggested there was more to it and pointed out she had a full sack when she sneaked out, CrazyGoose gave him her version of events. She had gone for supplies during Gold Rush week because the saloon still didn't have everything it needed and was late returning because she bought vodka for 3Gun, a hat for Lean and muffins and jam for her horse. On returning she heard of the rumours about her and 3Gun, which had since been quashed, and out of anger and embarrassment, still kept all her shopping in the sack stannbear saw.

When stannbear told 3Gun the story, he was both. upset that he never got the vodka, and confused as to why CrazyGoose would buy Lean a hat. The time had come to give Lean her dad's message and to ask her a few questions too.

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