Chapter 5: Feelings

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E/C= Eye Color

Your P.O.V
I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in my room. I looked at my surrounding and wondered where I was. I heard the door slightly open and I turn around to meet the blonde knucklehead. "Oh you're up!" Naruto cheered. "Yeah. Sorry I took up some space." I scratched my neck, laughing nervously. "Oh by the way, how did I get into these clothes?" Naruto blushed a deep scarlet. "Well, my Mom didn't want you to be uncomfortable, so she changed you. I didn't change your clothes, I swear!!" "So what happened? I found you on the ground crying last night." Obviously, trying to change the subject. I looked down and started to play with my hair. Naruto lifted up my chin to stare into his big ocean blue eyes. I decided it's the best to tell him. "Well, last night I was visiting Sasuke. I opened the door to his room to reveal him and Sakura making out. I started tearing up and ran away. That's when I broke down and you happened to find me." I started to tear up again. I feel arms wrap around my waist into a big embrace. I think Naruto can tell how I feel. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back tightly. For some reason, this felt....right. I felt like I could trust Naruto. He's a good looking young man, he knows how to cook, he has a great personality, he's trustworthy, and he's a good example of boyfriend-material. Wait a minute.....I think I might be in love with Naruto Uzumaki. I wrapped my arms even more tightly around Naruto. We both slowly pulled away, but still in each other's arms. I stared deep into his blue eyes while he stared at my E/C ones. Without noticing, we were leaning in until our lips pressed together. When we both finally knew what we were doing, we quickly jumped away from each other. "Sorry about that. I guess I got into the moment." Naruto said while having a very red face and scratching behind his neck. "It's okay. I guess I got in the moment, too." I said a huge blush and a smile. "Thanks Naruto for bringing me to your house. It lets me know you care about me." I gave him another smile. "Your welcome. Anything for a friend." Naruto said a little annoyed that he called you friend. "Hey, how about you meet my parents? They're both home and when they saw me carrying you inside the house last night, they were asking me a whole bunch of questions." "That sounds like a great idea!" I jumped in joy.


Naruto's P.O.V
Y/N and I walked downstairs to see my dad working on the dining table and my mom cooking.
"Hey, Mom and Dad! I want you to meet someone!" My parents rushed to the living room where we were standing together. "Oh my gosh! My son has finally found himself a woman! I'm so proud of you, sweetie!" My mom clapped and gave Y/N a big hug. Y/N awkwardly hugged back and said,"Oh you're mistaken, Mrs. Uzumaki. I'm only Naruto's friend and my name is Y/N." "Oh, what a beautiful name! Also, please don't call me Mrs. Uzumaki. It makes me feel old. Just call me Kushina and you can call Naruto's dad Minato." I face palmed. My dad nudged me and whispered,"She's a lucky girl, isn't she?" I blushed and shrugged. "Okay, Mom and Dad, Y/N-chan and I are going to go shopping." "Alright, have fun you two love birds!" My Dad exclaimed and left the room with my Mom. I froze and stared at Y/N. She definitely is a beauty compared to other girls. I shook my head and left the house with Y/N.

~At the Mall~

"You didn't have to do this for me, Naruto. Although, I really appreciate it!" Y/N said looking at me. "It's my pleasure. I'm only doing this to make you feel better, believe it!" I blurted. "I do believe it." Y/N said while giggling. Y/N's hands were full of bags. She said she was doing 'early Christmas shopping' but these things all look like she's
going to use them. Girls buy a lot of things and I'll make a mental note to bring extra cash when I go to the mall with any girl. The last thing we did at the mall was eat at a ramen place. It wasn't bad, but not as good as Ichiraku's ramen! They have the best ramen ever! I ended up eating 5 bowls and payed for Y/N's and my meal. It was a great day! Spending an entire day with my crush. Now that I think about it, she can start recording videos with me! I turned to Y/N and asked, " Hey Y/N-chan, how about when we get to my house, we could record a video for my YouTube channel?!" She looked surprised and happy at the same time. "I'd love to. For a second, I forgot you were a youtuber." I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the mall into my car.

~Back at Naruto's House~

Still Naruto's P.O.V
Y/N and I walked through the the door to my house and we were laughing after telling each other embarrassing moments that happened in our lives. I went directly to my room while Y/N followed me. I started setting up my camera and lights. I felt so excited inside to record with Y/N. It'll be a different experience for me because I never did a colab with anyone. It was always just me in my videos. After I was done, Y/N and I were deciding what to do for this video. We both decided on the 7 second challenge. She typed 5 things for me to do and I typed 5 things for her to do. Before we started recording, Y/N took a look at my channel. She stared at the amount of subscribers I had. To be honest, I didn't really care how many subscribers I had. I just liked making videos for fun.

~20 minutes later~

"Okay Y/N we start in 5....4.....3.....2....1...GO!"
Naruto: Hey guys! Naruto here! Today we are doing the 7 second challenge! As you might've asked,"Who's we?" Well, I have a special guest. You guys, would most likely not know her, but whatever! Come here! *signaling you to go over to him*
Y/N: *jumps onto the bed with her arm on Naruto* Hello people of the Internet! My name is Y/N!
Naruto: Okay, let's get started! I'll go first! Spell my whole name backwards in 7 seconds. Go!
Y/N: I...K...A..M....U....Z...U....O---
Naruto: *crossing his arms to make a 'X'* Errrrr! You fail!
Y/N: Whatever! It's my turn anyway. Put on lipstick in 7 seconds. Go!
Naruto: Where am I supposed to find lipstick?!?
Y/N: Here. *tosses him your lipstick*
Naruto: Thanks. *immediately tries to put the lipstick on.*
Y/N: Stop! Your time is up. Unfortunately, you pass. *sighs in defeat*
Naruto: *turns to Y/N* How do I look?
Y/N: *tries to hold in laughter* You look great, Naruto!
Naruto: Then, kiss me.
Y/N: *pushes his face away and turns back to the camera* Anyways~

~Several Challenges Later~

Naruto: Woo! That was fun!
Y/N: Sure was!
Naruto: Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Make sure to leave a like and a comment below. Bye guys! See ya later!
Y/N: Bye guys! *forming a peace sign*

~Video Ends~

Your P.O.V
"You were great Y/N-chan!" Naruto exclaimed. I blushed. "Awhhh, thanks Naruto! I wasn't that good, but it was fun! I'd love to be in another video some other time!" I smiled. "That's sounds great." "Well, I gotta go since, you know, we have school tomorrow. I'll see you later." I flashed a grin and waved goodbye. Then, I noticed I didn't know which way my home was. I didn't wanna go back inside the house, so I just called my mom. My Mom picked me up and was asking me a lot of questions. I answered every single one and she didn't seem mad after I told her about the 'Sasuke' situation. When we got home it was about 11:20 pm. I really needed a nap and ended up falling asleep on the couch. I yawned and yelled, "Goodnight, Mom and Dad!" Before knocking out afterwards.

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