Chapter 12: What did you say?

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F/a= favorite anime

Author-chan: Hey guys, here's another chapter of my story! Before we get to that I want to say thank you SOOOO much for 300 reads! Love you guys! <3 Oh yeah. I forgot to put chapter 11 for the last chapter....oops? Anyways! On to the story!


Your P.O.V

Today was Wednesday! Yep, and I was running 10 minutes late. Not even Kakashi-Sensei or Mr.Hatake, which were supposed to call him, is this late! Let's go back to this morning.


I was in my little bundle of joy sleeping in my really comfy bed until.....


"What?" I mumbled and stayed in bed. Suddenly I feel ice cold water being splashed on to me which made be jump right out of bed.

"AHHHH! Why'd you do that for?!?!" I squealed.

I glared at my mom and pouted. She gave me a signal to go to the restroom and get dressed. I sighed and obliged to her command.

I wore black jeans with a (f/a) t-shirt and my trusty old black converse. I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door with a bagel in my mouth.

'Hey maybe I should join the track team. That'll be cool....' I thought.

I ran for about 8 minutes straight and reached to my destination. I climbed up the stairs going into the school and slammed the door open to Mr. Hatake's classroom. I blushed as everyone stared at me confusingly.

~Flashbsck End~

And that's how I got into this situation.

I waved awkwardly at my classmates and slowly averted my eyes.

"Hi Mr. Hatake. How are you today?" I said nervously.

"I'm doing fine. Now will you tell me (y/n) why you're 10 minutes late." He replied with a unamused expression.

"Well, you see..... I got lost on the path of life!" I used one of his famous quotes and lightly chuckled.

He smiled at me and chuckled as well. "You can go to your seat, but this is the only time!"

I sighed in relief and walked to my desk. "Nice save, (y/n)." A deep, husky voice said behind me.

"Thanks, Gaara. I know it was." I turned around and gave him a sheepish smile.

The bell rang and I casually exited the door to second period with Gaara since we both had PE.
We split ways when we got to the lockers. Me to the girls locker room and him to the guys locker room.

"Hey (y/n)! Over here!" Two voices said in unison.

"Hey guys! How are you!?" I responded.

"We're doing fine. Now come over here!" Ino squealed. I wonder what got her so worked up.

I jogged over to Ino and Hinata and gave them a questioning look. They were both blushing madly and I was so confused.

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