Chapter 25: It's a Date?

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(Author-Chan: Hey guys! No time no see! If you noticed on my message board, I sent a message telling you guys I'm quite busy nowadays. I'm sorry in advance for those who've been waiting like....2 or 3 months? Oops, my bad.  Anyways, here's a chapter to make up my absence. Enjoy!)


Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"(l/n) will you please stop tapping your pencil."

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.


Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Ta-

"Oi brat." My forehead was suddenly flicked, as I jerked back, staring into the substitute's eyes.

I stood up immediately and saluted, with my right fist placed over my heart.

"Sorry, sir!" I blurted out.

"You're hopeless." The substitute walked away to his desk.

I sighed and sat back down, resting my chin on the desk.

Ms. Kurenai....well now Mrs. Sarutobi is apparently not going to be here until next year.

Why did Mr. Sarutobi have to get her pregnant?! Just the thought of two of my teachers having.....never mind. S̶c̶r̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶. I do not need to think about that!

Anyways, ever since Mrs. Sarutobi left, the class got the strictest substitute teacher I've ever met.

Mr. Ackerman (T_T)

No yelling. No talking. No chewing gum. No doing homework from other classes. No unnecessary noises. No getting the classroom dirty. No getting up without his permission. Must not come into the classroom with dirty clothes or disgusting fragrance. Don't touch any cleaning supplies that belong to him. Say sir every time you speak to him. Must raise hand to speak. Salute to him with your right fist over your heart. Bow down if you piss him off.  Three strikes and you get punishment.

And there's much more. He's known as the Midget Punisher. Well, that's what I call him at least.

But like come on! This is Home Economics! It's supposed to get dirty! In fact, we didn't even get to cook today due to my dumbass boyfriend and his "side chick", Misa. Oh how much she disgusts me.

I might be a little jealous but who wouldn't when another girl is practically rubbing her body against their boyfriend! I'm holding in my anger the best i can.

Everything is so frustrating.

"(l/n) will you stop staring at Uzumaki and finish your work." Mr. Ackerman spoke, irritated.

I blushed from embarrassment as my classmates around me started snickering. How did I not notice I was staring at "them".

"Sorry, Sir." I muttered, wanting to hide from the world and dream about my fantasies surrounded by hot anime characters.

I covered my head with my arms, blocking all the noise from around the room.

"Because of that. (l/n) make me tea, and you're gonna run laps around the school tomorrow." Mr. Ackerman's voice rang through my ears.

I clenched my fist and I immediately raised my head.  I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out. If I did speak....who knows what he'll do.

Especially when I was gonna say something like, "Listen here midget, you're not my mom and you can't tell me what to do! I shouldn't be taking orders from a clean freak who only cares about his broom."

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