Chapter 18: Acceptance

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(A/N: Hey guys! I want to say.....


Anyways, here's another chapter of this book. Right now, I'm kinda on writer's block so if it's bad I'm sorry! But, enjoy!)

-Your P.O.V-

Everyone's dying. My friends. My family. My friends' family. My classmates. My teachers. My boyfriend.....

Everyone's dead. Lifeless right in front of me. I hear guns shooting. Bombs exploding. Children screaming. Adults yelling. What had happened to this beautiful world?

Mom, Dad, Kushina, Minato, Naruto. Some of the most important people in my life......are gone.

I walk outside. It's cold, scary, and dark. I hear more screaming. More shooting. More exploding.

I'm crying, running for my life. How will I ever forget what happened.

"Hello there little girl." A strange voice spoke. Where is that coming from?

"W-who are you?"

"I am Madara Uchiha, the most powerful person in this entire world!"

"What have you done?" I hung my head low.

"You mean killing the ones you knew?"

"YEAH WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yelled, fist clenched by my side.

"They were just in the way from getting you. Come here darling. No need to be afraid."

"I-I will never go with you!" I try to run away but he was too fast. He caught me.......

I see black. I can't breath. I can't feel my hands or my feet. But I still feel my heart beating fast. What is happening to me? Am being kidnapped?

It's still dark and I feel someone carrying me somewhere.

"We're here. I will now unwrap you." Madara was his name? Yeah. He untied the rope and took the bag off over my head.

"Thanks. Your pretty nice." I complimented.

"You don't know much about me, kid."

"Do you know what a wiener kick is?" I asked, innocently.

"No. What is it?" Madara raised an eyebrow.

"I'd rather show it. This is for kidnapping me!" I kick him at "you know where" making him bend down and fall.

"You sneaky bastard." He stood up as I tried to run away.

Same thing happened.....he caught me.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" He grabbed a dagger from his pocket and stabbed me in the hip, still holding me in his arms.

He dropped me and took out his gone.

Is this the end for me?

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