Chapter 22: The Boy

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(A/N: Omg I'm finally back! Nice to see you guys again! I'm glad to be back, and writing. Hope you enjoy this chapter as always, and don't forget to leave comments and like! Only if you want to..........)

Your P.O.V (one week later)

A lot of things have been going on this week. One, Karin got expelled. Two, Naruto's parents have a chance to live! I hope they do.

"I heard there were gonna be new students when we come back!" Ino squealed.

"Really? That's cool........" I bit my lip. For some reason I had a bad feeling about this.

Currently, Ino and I were walking side by side going to our last classes. Ino had algebra and I had home economics.

"So, how are you and Sai?" I asked, actually curious.

She blushed a little. Why does she always blush when we talk about him?

"We've been great! I think it's going well." She smiled.

I don't know if anyone else can see it, but I sense some sadness in Ino's words.

"What's up?" I questioned, looking forward while trying to dodge other students.

"What d-do you mean?" Oh god. She's becoming Hinata.

"You sound sad or something." I replied.

"Oh look. There's my class! Have to go, bye!" She waved and ran away.

That was weird..........

So, outside of my school life, I've been doing pretty good. I made more videos, gained more subscribers, and Naruto and I have gotten even closer.

I bumped into someone, almost being knocked down. But, the boy quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me up. (OC)

I swear karma hates me. I bump into everyone.

"Woah there! Be careful, little lady!" The boy let go of my shoulders and started walking next to me.

"T-thanks for the help." I fastened my pace a little, with him still right next to me.

I have never, ever seen this guy before.

He had really cool light blue hair. Blue eyes. Tall compared to me. And he looks well-built. He kinda looks like Tetsuya Kuroko from that anime I watched, Kuroko Basketball.

(A/N: He's hawt omg 😍😍😍)

"No problem. Anything for a pretty lady like you. By the way can I get your name? I don't think I've ever seen you around here." He asked, kindly.

"(y/n). And yours?"

"Tsuyoshi Yamash-"

"(y/n) hurry u- wait who's this?" A voice, I knew too well, said.

"Naruto, this is Tsuyoshi. Tsuyoshi this is Naruto, my boyfriend." I introduced.

"It's nice to meet you!" Tsuyoshi held out his hand and smiled, but Naruto just gave him a dirty look and crossed his arms.

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