Chapter 14: Surprise!

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Author-chan: Hey guys! School is finally over for me so I'll have more time to write my story! Here's another chapter, enjoy!


Your P.O.V

Today was finally the dance and I'm still going with Gaara. This was a dance but everyone was calling it "prom". Not my problem. I greeted Gaara when I saw him in my 1st period class and sat on my desk.

I felt someone looking at my back. I turned around but no one was looking my way. I shrugged.

~Timeskip to 7th Period~

Home economics. Yep, you probably forgot I had this class. Usually, I knew exactly what I wanted to make but it seemed I couldn't think of anything.

"Hey (y/n). Could you please bake a cake for the dance? Sorry for the short notice." I heard Mrs. Kurenai.

"Sure thing Mrs. Kurenai! I won't disappoint you!" I turned over to my baking station and started on the batter.

I wanted the cake to be big and creative! Oh! I got it! I was going to make and dress shaped cake and also a tuxedo one. It's totally going to be awesome!

The cakes weren't quite done before class need so Mrs. Kurenai said I could stay after school. Several hours later, 2 hours before the dance that starts at 8:00 pm, the cakes were finally done! I stared at my master pieces and grinned to myself.

"This is perfecto!" I squealed and grabbed Mrs. Kurenai's attention.

She nodded in approval and got some people to carry the cakes to the ballroom(aka the gym). I noticed the time and freaked out. I grabbed my stuff and literally ran out the door to Hinata's house which all the girls were at.

~Hinata's House~

Ding! Dong!

I rang the door bell and soon the door opened revealing a Hinata in a lavender dress.

"Hiya Hinata! Are all the girls ready?" She shook her head no and made me follow her upstairs to her room.

"Hey guys!"I greeted the first and they turned around and waved.

Most of them were already in their dresses, while I was there having trouble with my dress. 'What the hell is up with this damn zipper.'I muttered angrily.

It took me about 5 more minutes until I finally got the dress on. I looked for my black heels and the girls wanted me to put make up on. I was gonna go for a natural look, but oh well. Ino was carefully doing my eyeliner while I was trying my hardest to stay still.

After she was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. I look quite......decent. I checked the time and it was 7:50. Since Ino is rich and all, she rented a freaking limo! Like what the heck? I sat the farthest from everyone and opened my phone to ask Gaara if he was at school.

You: Hey u at school

Gaara: Yeah just got here

You: K see ya there ;)

I smiled and exited the car the door was suddenly opened by Ino's butler. In front of the school were all the guys. I spotted Gaara and waved cheerfully. I ran to him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for taking me to the dance!" I backed up and scratched my head.

"No problem." He took my hand and walked through the hallways.

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