Chapter 7: Sleepover

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(Author-chan: I didn't want to write what happened in school that week, so I just skipped to the Saturday which is the day of the sleepover

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(Author-chan: I didn't want to write what happened in school that week, so I just skipped to the Saturday which is the day of the sleepover. However, there will be chapters where I tell you what happens in school that week.  Also, that's Ino's house on top. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


Your P.O.V
Today is the sleepover! I'm so excited. It was only 11:40 in the morning and the sleepover starts at 3:00. 'Ugh. About 3 hours to go.' I thought sadly. Yesterday, I told everyone that Sasuke and I broke up. I, also, told them how Sasuke cheated on me with Sakura. While explaining what happened I started to tear up. Ino gave me a hug and I felt safe. Soon everyone else joined in. Since then, I pretty much moved on from Sasuke. Now that I know Sasuke is a worthless, good for nothing piece of trash. I'm certain that I'm in love with Naruto. But, I wonder what he thinks of me. Am I just a friend? Does he like me back? I shook that thought out of my head and watched a movie until the sleepover.
(Choji, Shino, and Lee couldn't come)


It was around 2:50 and I jumped off the couch. The sleepover was at Ino's house and her house was pretty far from mine. I got into my car and started to drive. "Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots started playing and I sang to it. Honestly, it was a catchy song. "My name's blurry face and I care what you think. My name's blurry face and I care what you think. Wish we could turn back time~" I stopped singing when I saw a glimpse of Ino's house. Her house was definitely way bigger than mine. I'm guessing her family is pretty rich. I had my mouth wide opened and wide eyes. It
was certainly beautiful. I parked my car on the driveway and knocked on the door. "Hey Y/N! I'm glad you can make it!" Ino exclaimed. "I'm glad I came over! It's gonna be fun!" I said while hugging her. We pulled apart and Ino smirked. "It's gonna be fun, alright." She pulled me inside. I saw Kiba, Hinata, TenTen, Neji, and Sai sitting on the couch, in the living, watching Family Guy. "Hey guys!" I blurted out. I could tell they were startled a bit as they turned around. "H-hello Y-Y/N." Hinata replied with a smile. I waved and and threw my bag across the room. I joined them on the couch and plugged in my earphones to listen to music. Ding Dong! "I'll get it!" Ino shouted. "Hello! Come in Naruto and Shikamaru!" Naruto looked around the house in awe. "Everyone else is in the living room." Ino informed. "This is such a drag." Shikamaru sighed. "Shikamaru, you think everything is a drag." Ino argued. Naruto and Shikamru walked to the living room where we were at. Naruto went close to my face without me noticing and pulled out my earplug.  "We're supposed to spend time together." He gave me a cheeky grin. I put my phone away while everyone created a circle. "Okay guys! So first we're going to play spin the bottle. Who wants to go first?" Ino said as she placed a bottle in the middle. "I guess I'll go first." I volunteered. I spun the bottle and it landed on........Shikamaru. I was kinda disappointed, but it couldn't be that bad. Of course, Shikamaru was sleeping and I woke him up. "Get up you lazy-bum. The bottle landed on you." "Wait waah..." Shikamaru seemed confused. I interrupted him before he could say anything else by kissing him right on the lips. His eyes widened and he blushed. I pulled away to look at Naruto. He had no emotion on his face.

Naruto's P.O.V
I'm so jealous of Shikamaru! I wish that was me! I guess I'll give it a go. "I'll go next!" I shouted. I spun the bottle and it lands on........'Please be Y/N. Please be Y/N.' I thought. Y/N! Yesssss!! I scooted closer to her and put my hands on her soft cheeks. I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. I really enjoyed it and I think she did, too. We both had deep red faces as everyone whistled and cheered. I pulled away and sat back in my spot. I had a big smile on my face, pretty much, for the rest of the game.

~After Spin the Bottle~

3rd Person P.O.V
"That was fun! Now, let's play a more fun game. Truth or Dare!" Ino said in a deep voice. "Hey Ino! How about you go first?" You asked. She nodded. "Okay. Truth or Dare?" You said. "Truth." Ino replied. "Who's your crush?" You smirked and glanced at Sai. Ino blushed a deep scarlet. "Ummm....Sai." She whispered and hid her face. "No need to be embarrassed. I heard when you're embarrassed that means they're ashamed of themselves." Sai said emotionless. Ino sighed in relief that Sai was clueless. "Anyways, Naruto, Truth or Dare?" Ino asked. "Dare me, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed. "I dare you to hug Y/N from behind and stay in the same position for the rest of the game." Ino dared. Naruto and Y/N both blushed. Naruto mouthed "Sorry" and Y/N nodded. Naruto slowly wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and spread his legs because, you know, they're sitting down. "Ok! Moving on! Kiba~~~" After that, they did many truths and dares. Like how Kiba dressed up as a girl,  Hinata had to confess her feelings to Kiba, Sai tried to do a handstand on the table, TenTen had to kiss Neji, and Neji jumped in the pool, which was in the backyard, with his clothes on. Yes, it was fun. But, all they really wanted to do right now was relax.They played a few other games for hours and it was about 6:55. Everyone was basically doing there own thing. Eating, talking, on their phones, you name it. Naruto was setting up his camera and lights for some reason. Most likely, doing a YouTube video.

(Author-chan: I'm doing a second part to this because I have school tomorrow and it's already late. So I'll see you next time! If anyone is reading this piece of crap that is.....)

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