Chapter 4

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I met up with the boys very energetic, but they were as well since they were pumped for LAX and baseball tryouts tomorrow. That reminded me that I needed to talk to Valerie about tryouts...luckily she gave me her number during school. I wasn't absolutely sure I wanted to tryout, but I did have my soccer gear at home.

I was so excited that Logan gave me his number! He probably meant it as a friendly gesture, but you can't blame a girl for dreaming. I snapped out of my thoughts as I listened to Joey and Jakob bicker about whether or not the other would make it on their sport's team. It was really funny how they fought all the time, but I knew that they really loved each other. They probably bonded a lot since Billie wasn't around much during their childhoods. It's going to be hard on Jakob when Joey leaves for college next year...actually it'll be hard on all of us. I blocked out the negative thoughts as we pulled up to the house. I said a quick hello to Adrienne and went upstairs to my room. I sat down on my desk chair and was about to pull out my guitar, when I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and saw a text message from an unknown number. I opened it up and read:

Logan: Hey Cassy, it's Logan :)

Me: Hey Logan, what's up?

Logan: Nm, just hanging out wbu?

Me: Just thinkin about whether or not I should try out for soccer

Logan: You should! I'll come out and cheer you on ;)

Me: Hahaha really? Then I guess I will

Logan: Good, soccer really tones a girl's body... hahaha jk

Me: Wow pervert, hope my brother doesn't see that text ;)

Logan: Joey right? Ya, I wouldn't want to mess with that kid

Me: Hahaha yes, don't worry I'd protect you :)

Logan: Thanks lol, well I g2g see you tomorrow Cassy! Don't forget your soccer stuff ;)

Me: Haha okay! And I won't :)

I set down my phone and smiled at our conversation. If I wasn't mistaken, he was flirting with me! I'll just have to show off at the soccer tryouts. Luckily, I'd been on some pretty high level teams in the past, so I was experienced. I walked over to my closet and dug around, finding my old black soccer bag with all my gear in it. I gave a small smile at the memory of when my mom gave me this bag for my 7th birthday. I always thought I would grow up to be a professional soccer player when I was little. Sighing, I placed my soccer bag next to my backpack and got started on my homework...


Throwing down my history textbook, I cheered quietly to myself for finishing all my homework. I looked to the clock and noticed it was 9 PM.

"I guess I missed dinner." I thought sadly, considering I was now starving. I was about to head downstairs when I heard a knock and said, "Come in." Billie walked into the room, holding what looked to be salad and steak. My mouth watered as I said, "Please say that's for me."

He laughed and set the plate down on my desk, "Yes Cassy, since I am your father, I'm entitled to feed you." I shot him a glare for sassing me as I dug into my steak. He closed my door and said, "So how's school?"

I swallowed and replied, "It was good, made some friends, and I think I'm going to try out for the soccer team."

Billie raised an eyebrow and said, "I didn't know you played soccer."

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