Chapter Twenty-One

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A week after the trying on of the wedding dresses, Harry pulled Lucy out of bed. She groaned, telling him it was too early in the morning. He laughed. She asked why she needed to get up, where did she need to go, where were they going. Harry only gave an one-word response, "Escaping."

Lucy immediately got out of bed, not sure what to expect. She didn't need to dress fancy and didn't do so. Harry pulled her out to the car, pulled up in the back of Kensington Palace. They were alone outside. Harry got into the driver's side as Lucy climbed into the front. Already this was a magical day.

Sleeping in the car, the sun managed to peek through a few times in the light cloud cover. Harry zoomed down the motorway. Lucy glanced a few times through her eyelashes, only to throw her head over to Harry, who continued to drive. Her eyelids closed again, and she fell asleep again.

She awoke when the road was no longer smooth. Her head fell back and forth before she brought it up again. Blinking, green rolling hills covered every surface beside the dusky road in front of them. The car rolled over the hill and a barn stood down at the end of the road. Harry maneuvered the car across the dusky road before they stopped beside the barn. Putting the car in park, Harry and Lucy exited the car.

There was a technician outside awaiting them. Harry's fingers ran across Lucy's skin as he grabbed onto her hand and led her to the barn. Slowly she was waking up, taking in her surroundings. The rolling hills of green seemed to go on forever. Warm air came from every direction, with the scent of salt water; they were somewhere near the ocean. Lucy immediately looked around, wanting that ocean.

Two horses were led out, both packed with enough supplies for a night's sleep. Lucy glared at Harry.

"No camping, I promise," he said.

Lucy didn't trust him for a second, but she agreed.

The technician held both horses. Harry walked over to help Lucy get up on her own, but she waved him off. Lucy put her foot up and grabbed a hold, swinging herself up. She came back down with a thump, falling to the ground gracefully. Harry looked down at her look, trying to hide his smile.

Harry extended his hand down. "Would you like help?"


"Of course." A full smile covered his face.

The horse was held in place tightly. Harry helped Lucy put her foot up securely with a good grip. He helped to push her up as she swung up. Lucy firmly landed on the back of the horse. The horse didn't seem to notice a difference. Harry walked over and swung up on his own horse with ease. He automatically had the horse trotting around and looking happy. Lucy's horse looked like it might kill her.

Harry had taken Lucy horseback riding before, numerous times, and she knew the technicalities for it. But she didn't have the touch. That apparently came with years of riding. Lucy would've rather given up. Harry smiled and encouraged Lucy to come along. He kicked his horse and it immediately went. Lucy glanced down at the horse, holding tight; she didn't want to die today. Her horse started walking too.

Itching to go faster, Harry made his horse trot, the fastest it went with Lucy around. If he played polo, he would have the speed, and he continued to play until this day. With Lucy, patience was necessary, and then with the supplies they had, his horse could only move so fast. Harry led Lucy east, toward the scent of salt water as it rolled off the waves. He knew she wished to get there, to be once by the ocean again. They continued to ride.

It surprised Harry that Lucy held out that long before she needed to take a break: one hour. She slowed her horse and Harry slowed as well. Lucy looked like she might fall off her horse but she managed to stay upright; after all, they had only been walking. Lucy was still used to this, so her legs and arms must have felt like jello among other things that purely hurt.

Lucy slowly got down from her horse, stretching out. Harry hopped down, joining her as they looked across the green hills.

"Less than an hour," he informed.

Lucy groaned. "I hope this is something good."

He smiled. "Does your arse hurt?"

"Among other things," she said, almost using the British word. "You're a guy; how could you aren't in pain?"

Harry laughed, his ears turning pink; Lucy won points for being blunt. "I stand upright on the horse. You could try that."

"You won't be getting married in October to me; I'll be dead." Lucy stretched out some more, and then sighed. "Let's go."

Harry, this time, definitely had to help Lucy onto the horse; tomorrow, she wouldn't just be sore. Harry was ready for the complaints; he looked forward to them. There was always a smile on his face.

His horse walked ahead first and hers followed. Less than an hour later, the beach reached out in front of them as it escaped into the ocean. The waves were gray, like the sky, but at least it didn't rain. The horses were left on the grass, eating it, as he led her down to the sand, where blankets awaited them. Harry brought the food down to the picnic as Lucy stuck her feet into the cold water; he joined her there.

Her eyes watched the sea as it rolled in. Harry remembered why she loved the sea: it meant freedom. You could go anywhere, anytime, you could escape. Deep in her eyes as Harry watched, it was like she wished to swim away, like she wished to be free. Harry didn't touch her; if she wanted to go, she could go. He would give her that chance, always. He didn't want Lucy to be like his mother: trapped.

Lucy's finger curled around his hand. She wouldn't let go; she wasn't leaving. She promised.

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