Chapter Thirty-Three

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Astonishingly, the streets were lined with people, and never in her life had she seen so many people packed in. The trip was short to the cathedral, which only made people have to be in so much more in a confined space. She doubted she would've ever put herself through this much pain, to see what? A wedding, you would've gone through the pain? You would've waited outside for however long to see a person go past in a car and then an hour or two later go past in a carriage with her husband? Lucy reminded herself who exactly her husband-- almost husband was: Prince Harry.

Lucy couldn't tell, because she didn't pay attention at Catherine and William's wedding, how many people were. Were there more or less people than went to theirs? It wasn't a competition to her, but they seemed to go on forever. There was an ocean of people, all cheering, and she didn't understand. There were British and American flags, and cameras lined the streets. The crowds swelled the closer to the cathedral they got, and the sound was overpowering.

The car stopped at the steps of the cathedral. The sound of the crowds were deafening. A deep red carpet was rolled out, so that her dress would not touch the stones. Charles exited the cathedral and met her outside. The door opened, and the roar got louder, which didn't seem possible. He offered his hand and Lucy took it, stepping carefully out of the car. The white lacy veil covered her face, and she wished to push it back already. As her back straightened, the crowd rose in loudness, growing to just screams. The sound startled Lucy but Charles was there to give a comforting hand.

 Walking forward, the dress was pulled out from the car. There was a chill in the air and a breeze surrounded the cathedral. It picked up the white silk and flew for a second. Sydney stepped out carefully, and made the dress perfect around her. Lucy glanced toward the crowds, smiling but swallowing all fears. Charles gave her hand a pat and they walked forward.

Siobhan waited on the inside, with a headset on and a manageable outfit. Bodyguards stood around respectfully. Since there was a lack of live streams, there was no need to be too formal. However, the people saw her back. Siobhan mouthed numbers, a countdown from ten.

Five... four... three... two... one... Lucy counted down in her head, only giving herself five seconds to panic.

The music started up, her tune, where she was supposed to walk. Thankfully Charles held the beat, or Lucy would've just ran down the aisle. It was better than not going down the aisle at all.

After going under the archway, the cathedral opened up to a large beautiful canvas. It was built up, arching up to the center point at the top. Colorful stained glass windows let in the light, with other small light fixtures around. People lined both sides of the church, watching her. There were a lot of smiling faces but not enough. Lucy's fingers curled into flowers, but she kept her face a straight smile.

It was when her eyes swept forward that her straight smile turned into a natural smile. Harry's back was to her, like he was supposed to do, but William watched Lucy. His whispered something to Harry, and he trembled a little. He shifted on his feet, back and forth. His hands rung out behind his back. William whispered something else, and Harry brought his face up. Yet, he didn't look back to her. Lucy's whole body calmed as she saw her love down the aisle.

Charles kept the beat, until they reached the bottom of the steps. It was like time froze. It all waited on Harry, to turn back to her, to see her, to want her, to come for her. Charles held out her hand.

He turned around, one foot at a time, until his eyes came to her. His eyes tried to take everything in of her but there was too much. His cheeks blushed bright pink. Heat grew across his cheek. His breath caught in his throat. His mind raced a thousand miles an hour. His blue eyes began to water as his future wife stood in front of him, as beautiful as ever. There was nothing more perfect in the world.

Harry gave her a grin, from ear to ear, with something mysterious. Lucy returned the smile, hers a little shaky. His tears made her follow suit, with her eyes becoming wet. However, she refused to ruin her makeup.

Holding out his hand, Lucy took it. Charles gave a nod to his son before taking his place beside his mother and wife. Harry led Lucy up the final stairs, as the Archbishop awaited them. Harry's hand was warm and sweaty, but it might have been hers. Though it was the best day of their lives, nerves was a natural part.

There was a moment to say something to the other, but no words could come out. Harry's mouth opened, but yet another smile bloomed. It was as if words would ruin this moment, when they got to see each other in all of the glory. There was so much to take in but there wasn't enough time.

His thumb ran over the back of her hand. The couple faced the Archbishop, and then his words filled the air. All Lucy heard was the thumping of her own heart, loud and strong, pushing her forward. Blood rushed past her ears. Her heavy head hurt. None of it mattered when her eyes met with Harry's, when he looked over. Yet, it was like his eyes never left her, like he couldn't. He was taken in by her.

The wedding was a blur, passing and going. These moments were never remembered much anyway. The parts of the middle weren't important. Everyone waited for the last second, when the couple was able to touch once again. Imaginations ran wild, until the moment came.

"Your highness, you may kiss your bride."

Harry faced Lucy. His hands didn't shake like they did at the beginning. And he wasn't hesitant about lifting her veil. It fell behind her. Finally, he got the perfect look at her. A photograph wouldn't have done it justice. He leaned in, taking control of the situation. The first kiss with many more to come, Harry kissed Lucy, husband and wife.

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