Chapter 3

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My green orbs opened to a hideous surrounding; A pink room with 'The Wanted' posters. My face scrunched up in disgust as I groggily climbed out of bed, picked up my clothes around her s h i t hole of a room, and slipped them on. I smirked at the thought of her screaming, and hair pulling last night as I laced my shoes. I'm not even gonna lie, she was a good f u c k, however she wasn't the best. I prefer brunettes.

The hardest part of these one night stands is the fact that they think we're a couple after we've had sex. No. Hell f u c k i n g no. It's bad enough that I give them my number after our session, so why the f u c k should they think that we're going to date all of a sudden? All it was, was a one night stand. Not an engagement. Someone needs to see if their tampon is on right.

I rolled my eyes and slammed her door shut. She should be awake now.


I pulled into my driveway 25 minutes later and killed the ignition. After unlocking the door, I slumped on my couch and watched an episode of Family Guy . The perfect thing to watch after a good f u c k in my opinion. Relaxing at best.

By 4 or 5 episodes, It was around 6:50 so I had to get up and get ready for school. I might have enough time to beat up Marcel before home room.

I jogged up the steps and into my dark blue master bedroom. It was nothing nothing major. Simply a large bedroom with a flat screen, Cigars/Blunts, Condoms, Clothes (obviously), a fairly large bed, which comes in handy , a PlayStation 4, and lace thongs and knickers from my previous f u c k s. Two words. Mind blowing.

After a nice shower, I walked out of the loo with a towel hanging dangerously low on my hips, and dressed in a tight white tee, black skinny jeans and my brown boots. While talking my time to fix annoying my sex hair, an annoying alarm went off.

A smirk etched on my lips when I realized I had a new neighbor. It was a girl with long brunette hair, dressing in f u c k i n g shorts and a see through tank top. I watched I horror as she crawled out of bed, stretching her back, giving me a view of her toned stomach, and walked toward her mirror, swaying her hips. That a s s. I could feel the bulge coming on When suddenly, my phone rang. I combed through my hair once more bridge answering.

Caller ID- Louis


"Harry! Omg! Your such a jerk! You left me at my house all alone after our one night stand! I thought you loved me. You told me you had your eyes on me for a while and that you wanted do something special for me . I though we would be something. Something more than just a f u c k. You said you loved my hair, and that you loved my eyes! You said you loved the way I laughed and that it was music to your ears! Did you not mean it? Am I not good enough for you? Huh?! Fine! Fine! What do you want me to do? I can change if thats what you want? I'll get tattoos and piercing! Hell, I'll even dye my hair brunette for you because that's what you like! Baby just come back and love me as much as I love you! Please! We can be infinite! We can be happy! I won't ever look at another guy except for you. It's just me and you forever. I promise. I'll quite my job as a stripper,"

What. The .F u c k.

The phone was muffled for a while, and I knew that Louis had the phone now. He probably had one if the lads take her away.

"Louis," I said. "Who's that?"

"Presley," he answered. So that's what her name is. "She came over the main house asking for you. She stole my phone when I was speaking to Zayn and called you because she knew that you wouldn't answer if she called from her phone. And uumm..... Yeah," he spoke awkwardly amused.

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