Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

After arguing with Harry for 20 minutes over me leaving or not, he stormed out of the door, shattering things along the way. Regardless of all the pain I'm still going through I think it's funny how I can make him that angry. It kinda makes me feel good. Like I accomplished something. Maybe that's what I'll do to keep myself busy because I know he won't leave me alone anytime soon.

My thoughts came to an end when Liam walked through the door with another guy I don't know. He looked just like Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Harry so I assume he's friends with them. He had a quiff in the front with his ears pierced, along with his lip.

[A/N: I wonder who just recently got their ears pierced 😏😊]

His eyes were a perfect shade of blue and his tattoos covered his arms and neck. The main tattoo popping out of his arm was a tic tac toe game on it, along with a stick figure on a skateboard. I couldn't help but smile, at least we'll have something in common.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back earlier. You and Harry were having a heated argument an I didn't want to interrupt" Liam explained handing me a hot cloth.

I grabbed the towel placing it on my stomach and forced a smile. "It's alright. I would of interrupted us arguing if I was in your shoes either"

He chuckled and nodded. "No one has ever spoke to Harry that way. It was quite amusing hearing you guys from outside in the yard"

"Well someone has to put him in his place" I said slowly fixing the hot cloth which stung like a bitch.

He nodded in agreement and sat in the edge if the bed. "If your wondering you didn't get raped" Liam started, "Like Niall said before Harry saved you and brought you here on his bed. Afterward Eleanor-

"Eleanor Calder?!" I interrupted.

That's a surprise. She's seems so innocent. What does she have to do with anything? I mean how is she involved with Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry?

"Yes. Eleanor Calder. My girlfriend" the mysterious boy answered.

"Who are-" He cut me off

"Louis Tomlinson. But you can call me Lou." He answered reaching his hand out. I shook his hand.

"Pleasure Mr Tomlinson" I smiled.

"I like her already!" Louis laughed. Liam smiled.

"As I was saying.." Liam interjected. "Eleanor changed you- but don't worry she didn't change your garments, just your clothes"

Thank god!

"And she also cleaned you- with a sponge..... Alone- just sayin" he added.

"It's all good. Remind me to thank her later. So anyway, she rapped me too?" I asked referring to my bandages.

"Actually I did" Louis answered. "I'm the medical one out of all of us. Which is funny cause I'm the main one getting hurt!" Louis whined holding a pout. But soon followed with a laugh. I could help but laugh either.

"So you board?" He asked. "Wait! Don't answer that, I've already saw you. Cool entrance by the way" Louis smiled.

"Yes dumb answer. And yeah I board. You? And thank you" I said sitting up on the head board.

"Yes I do actually. It's quite fascinating. Its my passion."

Cheeky bastard!

"OMG! Are you my long lost brother??!? I knew it" I shouted. Liam and Louis bursted out laughing.

'I'm not all that funny' I thought to myself.

"No he's not. And don't yell as much. We don't want your stomach to hurt more. While your were sleeping we gave you medication to heal the bruises faster. So you'll be cranky and snappy- pretty much hormonal." Liam answered.

"Great" I answered sarcastically.

"So what time is is anyway" I asked randomly.

"Ummm itss 9:25" Louis answered.

"Shit I gotta go. My moms gonna kill me!" I shouted trying to get out of bed, but stopped by Liam.

"No you can't leave." Liam told me. Giving me a warning look.

"Why?!" My mood changed from Happy to confused.

"Harry doesn't- I cut him off.

"Who cares what Harry said. I have a life you know!" I said a bit harshly. But hey don't hate me! You would do the same thing if your were in my position.

"I know that! But Harry's orders" Liam sighed.

"Harry's orders! " I mocked in disbelief.

"What is he a leader of a gang and you have to listen to his orders!" I laughed.

Liam and Louis weren't laughing. They looked at each other. Mentally fighting over who's gonna answer my question.

They weren't gonna answer so I kept going.

"He is isn't he? And you guys are apart of it too huh?" I asked with no emotion. Neither one of them answered...again.

Honestly it was no shock to me. They are in fact bad boys. What are they, in a glee club? Um I think not. Bad boys always belong in gangs. Truth is, based on what I've heard , I don't know if I'm scared shitless or just think all the rumors are bullshit. But actually it's none of my business, so I simply don't give a fuck.

After a good 10 minutes of sitting there awkwardly waiting for them to say something, I broke the silence.

"Look...I'm not afraid of what you guys are or what you do. All I know is is that whatever your doing, has nothing to do with me and never will. Now If you'll excuse me. I have a life to live!" I said sitting up.

Liam and Louis said nothing or did anything. They just stared at eachother with shocked faces.

I guess they didn't expect that out burst

I slowly got to my feet. Ignoring the pain in my ankle and walked- no limped out the door.

Good riddance!


A/N: hey cutie!

So just now I'm in class writing about 4 chapters of Bad boy vs. Tomboy. There's like 12 people I don't know here just sitting here watching me write. Apparently they didn't believe me when I said I was Mz_Horan_Imagine the writer of this book and the account owner with the same name on instagram lol. It was quite funny seeing their reaction if I say so myself.

Anyway I'm gonna write longer in the chapter if you don't mind. And I'll add humor and intensity in a few chapters.

Ok! The bells about to ring so.....




And give me feed back!

Thank for reading Btw!

Stay beautiful!

Love you!


Imani 😘

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