Chapter 1: When I Met Him

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It's been about a week since I moved to LA. It was a nice house that sat on the mountain.

It's such a nice day outside I thought while peering out my window overlooking the city of LA. Maybe I should find my shorts and go walk around the neighbourhood.

I rummaged through my pile of clothes finding the Markiplier shirt I bought about a month ago. I squealed as I hugged it and envisioned him in my mind.

I can't believe I love someone I've never met before so much.

It took me a good half hour to find my shorts. Finally I set out the door and explored my new neighbourhood. It wasn't long before I saw the cutest dog ever. Without giving mind to who was walking her I just knelt down and started petting her.

"What's her name?" I asked without even glancing to the owner.

"Chica." Replied a man who sounded oddly familiar.

A dog named Chica sounded very familiar too. I glanced up but still couldn't see who I was talking to as the sun blinded me.

"That's a really cute name! What's yours?" I asked.

"My name's Mark, what about yours?" He replied.

I stood up in silence, slowly coming to a slow realization of who stood infront of me.

Containing my inner fangirl I stuttered out the words "I-It's y/n..."

"Wow, that's a nice name. Do you mind if I ask for your number?" He asked.

Oh my gosh. I can't handle the inner fangirl. First I find Markiplier then the next thing I know he's asking for my number. Eeeekkkkkk!!!!!! I can't contain my excitement but if I don't I'd lose my chance with him because he would never date a fan!

"Hello?" He finally said. "Earth to y/n?" He chuckled.

I had no idea that I blanked out."Oh sorry. I forgot my number for a second... " I said.

Great excuse y/n! A for effort! I thought as I grabbed a pen from my wallet and asked for his arm. I swiftly wrote down my number and said good bye to him and Chica then I walked away "calmly". Once he was out of sight I started squealing and ran the rest of the way home. I jumped onto my bed and I HAD to call my friend f/n and tell her all about it! Especially because she was a huge fan.

"Omg! F/n guess what!!!" I squealed.

"What! What! What!" She replied.

"You won't believe this but..." I stopped for a minute to calm myself down. I bit my lip as the thought of him crossed my mind.

"OMG just TELL me already!!!" She yelled.

"Okay, okay..." I paused once more. "You won't believe this but... I met Markiplier and he asked me for my number!!"

"Ahhhh!" She squealed. "You HAVE to give it to me!"

"No way! Go find your own Markiplier!" I said sarcastically.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to read a text that said: Hey, it's Mark. It was nice meeting you. I was wondering if you'd like to go for coffee sometime and get to know each other better.

I went dead silent for a while. F/n was repeating my name until she got my attention.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" She said.

"I-I...." I stuttered.

"You what?" She said.

"I can't believe my eyes..." I said in shock.

"Oh my gosh tell me!" She said sounding frustrated.

"Mark just asked me out on a date." Then reality kicked back in and I screamed at the top of my lungs. "MARKIPLIER JUST ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!!" I accidentally hung up on f/n out of excitement and no words could even begin to explain how I feel.

It was hard for me to sleep that night. It was a mixture of shock and excitement. Tomorrow is the big day, when I get to go on my first date with Markiplier. It's such a weird thing to think too.

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