Chapter 8: Crazy Lady

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I drove to Starbucks and ordered some coffee and snacks for Mark and myself. I grabbed my order and just as I was about to leave I was stopped.

"Hey!" Some girl said, I didn't even know her but she acted as if she knew me.

"Uhm... Hello? Do I know you?" I asked. As I turned around to see who was talking to me. There was a girl with black hair and red ends. You could tell black wasn't her natural colour as you could see blonde at her roots.

"No, but I definitely know you." She replied.

"Oh, where from?" I asked, thoroughly concerned and afraid. I gulped.

"Do you like my hair?" She asked, completely ignoring my question, while fondling with the tips of her hair. Twisting it between her fingers.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "That colour looks familiar..."

"Of course it does!" She said, now scaring me a little more. "It's the same colour as your boy toy's."

She was nearly yelling now, I was worried, I had no idea what was about to happen. She was obviously one of those insane fangirls. She stepped a little closer to me. 

"You and him better not last long. There's no way I'm letting you take him away." She said, staring directly at me with a fire in her fake, blue eyes.

"Take what away, exactly?" I asked, with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Mark. You will not and cannot take him away." She said looking frustrated.

"Take him away from what?" I asked again, knowing that I was getting on her nerves.

"Me! You dumb bitch!" She nearly yelled the words, getting attention from the staff of Starbucks. Just like what I wanted.

The lady from Starbucks came over and tapped her shoulder.  "Excuse me miss?"

"What!" She yelled. Her face flushing red. She spun around and stared the worker in the eye.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said, sounding surprisingly calm.

"Ugh! Whatever!" She yelled, and stormed out.

Well... I thought, I have to really be up for a challenge if I want to be with Mark. What with all these crazy fangirls around.

I turned to face the 10 something people in Starbucks and said. "Sorry for that everyone. I have a very popular YouTube boyfriend." 

I walked out and towards Mark's car as if nothing had happened. Even though I knew that shit just went down. Once I was in the car I took one more glance into the shop. I was surprised that nobody was staring. They acted as if that happened on a daily basis. I started up the engine and drove off, going back to Mark's house. 

I walked in and he turned his attention towards the door. Still staying seated on the couch.

"What's up?" He said. "You look kind of worried."

"Yeah..." I replied. "I just had an encounter with one of your many crazy fangirls."

"Yeah." He said. "Trust me, I know how you feel. I'm the one they're obsessed with. I don't know why though; I'm nothing special."

"Well." I said. "You're unique. And that's what people love about you. You're the type of unique that others want, they watch you to be amazed by something they aren't or don't have."

"Oh. How would you know?" He asked.

"Well..." I said, walking over to him and sitting beside him on the couch. I handed him the drink as he got settled. Obviously knowing this was going to take a while. He looked into my eyes with the most calming stare as he took a sip of what I brought him.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." I continued.

"You haven't?" He asked. Leaning in a little closer.

"It's only about one thing." I said. "It's about this. I was a huge fan of your channel, before I met you in person." He looked at me with shock, still drinking his coffee. He nodded to me to continue.

"And I had your shirt, along with a couple stickers and a poster." I went on. He just looked at me. "And well, I'm not a fan of your channel any more." 

He almost choked at my last sentence. "What? Why not?" He said, followed by a cough. He acted as if I wasn't even a fan. It's like he didn't even care that I lied to him.

"Well." I continued. "I'm no longer a fan of your channel because... now I'm a fan of you as a person."

He just stared at me, and smiled. "I'm a fan of you too." He said.

"I thought you said you would never date a fan." I reminded him.

"I did, but I never said I wouldn't date my soulmate, now did I?" He replied with that charming voice of his.

"Awww!" I started blushing. I leaned over and hugged him as I said. "I love you so much, Mark."

"I love you too, y/n."

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