Chapter 38

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"Hey guys!" Felix said as he walked toward the stage. Mark had a strange expression but I brushed it off; he was carrying a bunch of water bottles after all.

"Glad you guys finished getting the tables out in time." Mark grunted as he placed the water bottles down. "Geez are those some heavy water bottles." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah... These are some, uh, heavy tables haha." I looked at Jack and he laughed.

Mark looked at us with same expression as he said "We've only got a few minutes left so we should probably finish up here. There's already a line outside." He placed water bottles along the table. Felix grabbed the extras and put them back stage.

I pulled my chair up and got comfy. It felt good to be sitting after all that had just happened. Everyone else sat down. Mark and I were in the middle, Jack beside me and Felix beside Mark. Mark looked to me and grabbed my hand.

"Are you nervous?" He asked. "This is your first time being in a panel, you know. There's going to be a lot of people."

"I kind of am. I hope there aren't anymore fans like Lily's friend." I said. I sighed and looked down.

"Don't worry, they're not all like that. Haven't you seen the fan art they've made of us?" He said smiling to me.

"They've made fan art of us?" I looked up at him.

"How couldn't they? You're so very beautiful after all." Mark kissed me quickly and squeezed my hand. I smiled as he pulled away. The doors opened and very excited people came in. It helped calm my nerves when I heard some girls complimenting me and saying nice things to one another. I smiled to them all as they walked in.

It wasn't long into the panel, many questions were asked, some even for me, when I saw a man I recognized. I didn't quite remember where from however.

"So, Mark," He said as he walked up to the microphone. "I have something I wanted to show you." He pulled out his phone. "But I'd want to show you and only you."

"Um... Okay!" Mark said enthusiastically as he got up. The man played what looked like a video to Mark, he also gave him a headphone hinting that he didn't want anyone else to hear it either. I saw Mark's posture drop and he turned to look at me. He walked back to the stage and was behind me. "Come with me." He whispered into my ear in the most chilling tone I have ever heard. "This explains so much." He mumbled as we walked backstage. I could hear gasping from the audience and I started to feel... Scared? 

"Mark?" I said, my voice cracked a little. "What's going on?"

"He had shown me a video he recorded from earlier of you and Jack." I felt genuinely confused at first. Then I remembered where I recognized him from. He was the guy at the stand where I found Jack. "Are-" his voice cracked and his eyes started to water. "Are... you cheating on me? With Jack?..."

"Mark, no. No I'm-..." I was almost finished my sentence when I remembered a scenario from a couple months back. I felt tears form in my eyes and I started to stutter. "Mark..."

"What is it?" He said in a nervous tone. I don't know what came over me but I felt the need to tell him what had happened a couple months back. "Y/N please tell me what really happened."

"Mark... I didn't cheat on you..." I felt my emotions starting to build up and it became harder to breathe. He had a look of relief on his face which hurt me even more. I knew I was just about to crush his heart. "I didn't cheat on you today." I started crying into my hands. It's like I could hear his heart shatter and it broke me.

"W-what do you mean?" I could hear the pain in his voice.

"A couple months back... I was kind of drunk..." I felt hot tears constantly flowing from my eyes. "I don't remember anything but I remember waking up in bed with Jack..." I paused and looked up at him. He paused for a second and straightened up.

"I see." He said as he turned and looked away from me. "I think you should go." 

"Mark I-"

"Please. I need time to think." He walked away from me, leaving me in a hot mess of my own tears. I turned and reluctantly walked toward the exit doors. I took a second to look back to see that Mark had already gone. "Guess I'm going to be staying with F/N for a while..." I felt one more tear fall down my cheek as I opened the door and walked away.

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