Chapter 24: Matt and Lily

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When the four of us walked into the house Lily's face immediately lit up. 

"Who's this?" Said Ryan.

"Her name's Lily!" I replied pulling her close to me.

"H-hi..." She stuttered, a smile embedded upon her face.

"Oh, hi, Lily. My name's Ryan." He smiled to her.

"And I'm Matt." Said Matt as he shook her hand. Lily's face had burned bright red.

"I-it's so nice to meet you." She said shyly as she exchanged glances between the two.

I smiled to the two. "So, what are we going to do?"

"I was thinking about doing a challenge video today. Especially since Jack is here."

"What?! Why?!" Asked Jack with puppy dog eyes. 

"Because I want to see you suffer!" Said Mark in an evil voice.

"Awwwwww c'mon!" Sobbed Jack as he marched over to the couch, throwing himself on top of it.

After we finished recording the challenge I walked up to Mark and pulled him into my arms. "Lily totally likes Matt." I said a tone of certainty in my voice.

"Oh yeah, I wouldn't doubt it." Said Mark.

"So..." I said. I pulled away from him and placed my hands on my hips. "What are we gonna do about it?"

"Well." He said in his deep voice. "We're just going to have to push them closer together."

"Closer than they are now?" I asked, lightly tilting my head. "They haven't left each other's sides since they've met! They follow each other around like lost puppies." 

He smirked and touched his index finger to his thumb. He put his other index finger through the hole.

I stared at him for a second before I said. "Ohhhhh! Okay. Gotcha." 

"About time." He laughed.

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