Chapter 27: Oh Yeah... Christmas is Coming

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Sam and I had talked for hours. He told me all about how he managed to get a cute little house and a boyfriend named Corey. I hadn't told him about Mark yet, but only because he was a fan.

"Corey is so wonderful!" He continued. "He even does the dishes for me. He's such a doll."

"I wouldn't doubt it for the world." I said, lightly smiling. "But guess what."

"Oh my gosh. What?" He was talking fast.

"I have a boyfriend too!" I said blushing.

"That's amazing!" He said as he pulled my hands into his. "With a face and a personality like yours, you could have anyone you wanted!"

"Aw, thanks Sam!" I said.

"Soooo..." He said curiously. "Who is it?"

"You won't believe this. Buttt..." I said holding onto the last word.

"Oh my gosh just tell me! I don't do well with suspense! You know this!" He sounded very eager.

"Okay, I am dating..." I enjoyed seeing the eagerness in his expression. "Mark Fischbach."

His face went completely blank in shock. "W-wait." He stuttered. "Like, Markiplier, Mark Fischbach?"

"Yep." I said nodding my head. 

His mouthed gaped open. "Oh my gosh! How'd you guys meet? When? How long have you been dating? Oh my gosh this is incredible! I HAVE to meet him!" He sounded like an excited 6 year old.

"Maybe next week?" I asked.

"No! Christmas is next week and I'm going home to visit my family." He said quickly.

My face went pale. "Oh. My. God." I said.

"What? What is it?" He said sounding slightly concerned.

"Christmas is next week? AS in next week-next week?" I was beginning to get nervous.

"Uh yeah, why?" He went from sounding concerned to confused.

"I haven't gotten gifts for anyone!" I said loudly.

"Well then! Guess this little get-together is going to be extended! Let's go shopping!" Sam sounded gayer than ever.

"Oh, you don't mind helping me?" I asked him.

"Of course not, girly! And besides, it's for Mark right? I know his videos like the back of my hand, and that might help find a gift for him." He said with confidence.

"Well, I have to get one for Matt, Ryan, and Jack's staying with us for Christmas so-" I was cut off by Sam's squeals of excitement.

"You've met Jack too, now?" He was full of energy. "No way?" He spoke out of disbelief.

"Yeah, he's been living with us for the past week. But as I was saying; I need to get Jack a present too." I paused. "And probably Lily too..." I mumbled to myself.

"Tell me all about Jack and Mark in person. Are their personalities really like what they are in videos?" He asked.

"I'll tell you all about them on the way to the mall." 

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