Chapter 21: Cookies

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I knew I had to get up before Mark. He couldn't see me here with Jack. I slid off of the bed and immediately headed out to the living room. I placed myself on the couch before doing anything. The guilt I felt was incredibly painful. I should probably do something for Mark, especially since I did this to him. Regardless of him not even knowing in the first place.

"Hmmm." I sighed to myself. "What to do... What t-... I got it! I'll make him cookies!" I said, hitting the palm of my hand with my fist. I bolted up from the couch and immediately into the kitchen. I checked the contents of the cupboards, making sure I had all the ingredients. I pulled them out onto the counter, acting quickly but also as quietly as I could; trying not to wake anyone in the house. I turned on the oven and pulled out a bowl and a whisk, I placed the ingredients in the bowl and mixed them all together. I looked around as I grabbed a piece of the cookie dough and placed it my mouth. A wonderful mixture of flavours danced across my taste buds. "Perfect." I said to myself as I placed spoonfuls of the dough on a cookie sheet. I heard the oven let out a beep, indicating it was heated. I placed the cookie sheets into the oven. I jumped up onto the counter and waited. 

The smell of freshly baked cookies consumed the house. "Finally!" I said as I jumped down from the counter. I grabbed oven mitts and placed them over my hands. I opened the oven door and the heat rushed out; brushing the hair off my face. The comforting warmth accompanied by the delicious smell of baked goods was enough to send shivers coursing through my spine. I placed the cookie sheet on a couple mats so they could cool. 

"Phew!" I sighed, wiping my forehead with my arm. I slouched down onto the couch. I scrolled through twitter for about 10 minutes.

"I smell cookies!" I heard a scream come from down the hall. Not long after Jack appeared. "Where the cookies at?" He said, not breaking eye contact for a second. I continued to stare into his eyes as I pointed towards the kitchen. He sped walk towards the kitchen and I saw him come back with a cookie in his mouth and a couple in his hands. "But-" I said but he immediately shushed me and gave me the "I'm watching you" gesture. "Uh..." I sighed out of confusion. He slipped back into his room. 

"Well." I said aloud. "That was eventful." I slouched back down into the couch, appalled at the fact that Jack really was as obsessed with cookies as he had claimed in his videos. 

"Good morning." I heard a deep sing-song voice say from behind me. Arms wrapped around me.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully. "Did you notice what I did for you?" 

"Hmmm? No." He said, obviously still tired.

"Seriously." I said looking up at him. "I made cookies for you, even though Jack took some."

Mark's face lit up. "Awww! You're too sweet!" He kissed my cheek. "And you can't blame Jack. He has an obsession." Mark laughed. 

"What'd you say about me?!" Jack yelled from his room.

"What are you talking about?" Mark yelled back. "I said nooooothing!"

"Suuuurrreeee." Mumbled Jack as he slowly closed the door.

"Anyway." Said Mark "Coffee?"

"Yeah!" I said enthusiastically. "Sounds good to me." I smiled greatly. I felt like today was going to be great. 

Just a Little Hope (Markiplier x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang