Chapter 30: Moving in

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I walked up to Mark and hugged him. "You know what?" My voice was muffled by his chest.

"What?" He asked.

"I've only ever stayed in my own house about a week. I literally live here now..." I said.

"That's true." He said.

"Could I... You know... Move in?" I asked, afraid of his answer.

"Why would I ever say no? I'd love for you to live with me." He said, smiling softly. "Hey, Christmas is soon. Have you gotten your gifts?"

"Maybe!" I said happily as I made my way into the living room, moving with joy. "I wouldn't tell you, you might go looking for them if I said I did."

"Ha! Pft!" He laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Ha!" I laughed loudly. "Hey, by the way?"

"Hmm? What is it?" He asked.

"Do you mind helping me bring over most of my stuff. I kind of want it with me, especially since Christmas is in, what, 3 days?"

"That's right!" He said, a pinch of excitement in his voice. 

It wasn't until about an hour later when we decided to go pick my stuff up. Jack had decided to tag along and help. "You two should consider yourselves lucky." I said. 

"Oh yeah?" Said Jack.

"Why's that?" Asked Mark.

"Most of my stuff is still in boxes. Even though I had lived there for a week after arriving in the first place..." I said the last sentence silently out of slight embarrassment.

"Thank fuck!" Yelled Jack. Mark laughed lightly.

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. I opened the door with hesitation, debating whether or not I wanted them to see my mess of a house.

"H-here it is guys." I stuttered; flinching at the sight of the horrific mess.

"Wow, other messes would be jealous!" Said Jack.

"Jack!" Yelled Mark as he hit Jack's arm.

"Owee..." Whined Jack silently as he mumbled something, he was just out of earshot.

"Whatever." I said; glaring at Jack. "Just get these boxes loaded already..."

It took us a couple hours to get everything loaded and carried back to Mark's place.

"Well that was exhausting..." Whined Jack.

"If only you were a manly man like me!" Mark said, flaunting around like an idiot.

"Oh shut up!" Said Jack as he playfully fought Mark.

"You two are so childish." I called over to them. 

"Yeah? And?" Said Mark.

"You jealous?" Asked Jack in a goofy voice.

"Oh yeah," I said "for sure."

"Well." Continued Mark. "Being an adult is a scary thought..."

"Yeah. But it can be fun if you put your mind to it." I said. "You can eat a whole tub of ice cream and no one could get mad at you." 

"Well," said Jack "Not unless you're eating someone else's ice cream; then somebody's gonna get mad at you." 

"He makes a point..." Said Mark.

"You guys have little to no faith in me, y'know!" I said; glaring at the both of them.

"Love you!" Said Mark.

"I'd give you cake if I had any..." Said Jack.

"Heh. Thanks Jack." I said, laughing lightly. "Now, we need to start unpacking."

The two boys groaned loudly. I laughed at them and made my way towards the boxes.

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