Chapter 9: He's the Surprise?

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I was curled up with Mark while we watched TV. Scrolling through my phone; until I got a text anyway. I tap on my messages and saw that it was from my bestfriend f/n. I got really excited since I haven't texted her in a while. Well, it was my fault ever since Mark and I happened.

The text read. "Hey babe! It's been so long since we've talked! What's up???"

"Omg I'm sorry! I've been spending too much time with Mark." I said.

"Haha no. And you need to spend more time with meeeee!" She said. She was always so enthusiastic.

"I know right! We should hang out soon!" I said, desperate to see her again.

"Oh my gosh I forgot that that was why I texted you! I wanted to tell you that I was having a party on Friday that starts at 6 and that I wanted you to come! A bunch of our friends are going to be there along with their boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever the fuck kind of relationship they're in so..." She said, god I love her.

"Oh yeah for sure!" I said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I sent her several heart emojis.

"Yes! Too bad you're going to be in the singles group! Don't worry though, I won't make you third wheel too hard..." She said. Boy did I have something to tell her.

"Actually..." I said with blushing emojis.

"Omg don't tell me." She said. Regardless of her being in a relationship, she still had a crush on Markiplier.

"Yeah..." I said with more blushing emojis. "I'm kinda sorta dating Markiplier..." And I added a bunch of hearts.

"OH MY GOD!!! NOT FAAAIIRRRR!" She said. Putting it in all capitals to somewhat describe her anger. In another text, there were only angry faces.

"Haha!" I said with smiling emojis.

"Ugh. Whatever. I suppose Mark can come too. I look forward to meeting him and showering him with my fangirlness." She said.

"Haha okay. Let me see if he wants to come. He has a cold rn so it depends on how he thinks he'll feel by then." I replied.

I took my attention away from my phone and said. "Hey, Mark?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"F/n is having a party on Friday and a bunch of my friends are gonna be there. I wanted to know if you'd like to come?" I said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Ehhhhh... Okay, fine. Are any of them going to be fangirls? Since they're your friends anyway." He asked me.

"Uhhhh, just a lot of them. Heh..." I said. Blushing with nervousness, hoping that wouldn't change his mind.

"Okay then. Let's just hope your friend has a lot of paper and a sharpie because they are going to want signatures... I can feel it." He said.

"Okay." I laughed. "Well f/n looks forward to meeting you. She's a fan too by the way."

"Well, I look forward to meeting her too." He said, with a soft kindness in his brown eyes.

I turned my attention back to my phone and texted f/n saying. "Mark and I will be there, and Mark said he looks forward to meeting you too."


I just texted her a bunch of smiling emojis.

"Okay well I have one favour to ask of you guys." She said. Making me immediately nervous.

"Alright." I said. "Throw it at me!"

"I want you guys to arrive to the party an hour late." She said it so subtly that it made no sense.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tell anyone that Mark and you are going to be there, and since most of them are huge fans I wanted it to be a surprise. So make sure Mark makes a grand entrance."

"Oh okay. Got it, I'll tell Mark. See you on Friday! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions!" I said, ending the conversation. I gave Mark the details. I was incredibly excited for Friday, just 2 days to wait. 

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