Chapter 36

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I'm gonna stop giving titles to chapters because I'm lazy and also because they sometimes cause spoilers so.... Anyway, enjoy! Thanks for 1k reads btw!!! ~Zerion

Mark had a convention he was going to but he didn't want to leave me behind so he willingly brought me with him. I wasn't going to really talk to any of his fans but he insisted I do... I didn't exactly want to regarding those few crazy fans I had encountered before. I sincerely hope they won't be at this convention. Mark and his friends were setting up their panel as I went off and adventured the convention center. I was looking down several corridors, I didn't exactly know where I was. I came across many Youtubers on my adventure but one caught my eye. Pewdiepie.

"Pewds!" I called and he turned to me. He looked at me as if I was another fan at first but as I got closer he recognized me. 

"Y/n! It's so good to finally meet you. Please, call me Felix." He said, I could feel my cheeks flush with a light red. 

"Yeah yeah." I giggled softly. " Are you going to be part of Mark's panel this year?"

"Actually yes I am! Are you going to be there too? I never asked him." He asked.

"Yes I will be for most of the time. And thank goodness you're going to be at the panel because I'm kind of sort of very lost..." I whined slightly.

"Perfect!" He said enthusiastically. "I was just about to head over there to help set up."

"Great, you can take me there then?" I asked joyfully.

"Nope you're not allowed." He said in a sarcastic voice. "Just kidding follow me."

I clung beside him as we made our way toward where I originally came. We were stopped once or twice by fans wanting to take pictures and such. One of them thought that Pewds-er-Felix was cheating on Marzia with me haha. He happily explained to them that I was actually Mark's girlfriend; Mark's very lost girlfriend. 

"How did you end up getting so lost anyway? I was on the opposite side of the center from the panel when you found me." He asked me suddenly.

"Well, I haven't been here before so I wanted to venture around. Y'know..." I said.

"You're really good at getting lost then. You'd probably be good at video games." He said happily.

"Do you want to prove that?" I said sassily.

"You're on!" He laughed. We were so engrossed in talking to each other that we hadn't noticed we'd arrived to the panel.

"Heyyy~" Jack and Mark sung in unison.

"I see you found my "very lost" girlfriend." Laughed Mark.

"Sure did." Felix said proudly.

"Pft- More like I found you." I lightly hit Felix's arm. "You just showed me here." I laughed.

"Shut up..." Said Felix.

"So, the panel starts in less than an hour. You guys gonna help or what?" Said Jack as he started moving stuff around.

"Yeah yeah." We all whined in unison.  

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