Chapter 17: That's today?!

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After finding myself a new sweater and walking around some more; Mark and I went to the movies. It was nearly 10:00 when we left. I slowly got into the front seat of Mark's car, exhausted by the day we had. The next thing I knew; I was fast asleep. By the time we got back I was hardly awake, but still too tired to move. Mark picked me up bridal style and carried me inside.

"Hey guys." I heard him say as he walked in; still holding me in his arms.

"What happened?" Said Ryan.

"Nothing, she just fell asleep." He said, lightly planting a kiss on my cheek. "I just didn't want to wake her up."

"Awww." Said Matt. "Look at you; being a good little boyfriend!" 

Mark snickered and took me into his room, gently laying me down in his bed. Once I felt the warmth and comfort of the bed; I immediately fell asleep. 

When I woke up I was in different clothes. It appeared to be one of Mark's shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I looked to my left and there laid Mark; facing the other direction, his body gently rising and falling as he breathed. I stretched and got up, yawning greatly. I went to his dresser and grabbed my phone, seeing beside it my clothes; neatly folded. I decided to wear Mark's baggy clothes anyway. I walked out of Mark's room scrolling through Twitter. I stopped at Jack's latest tweet; my heart skipped a beat, it was a picture of him at an airport and it said. "About to go see Mark!".

I screamed and dashed back into Mark's room. He was already up.

"Mark!" I squealed jumping up and down like an excited 5 year old on Christmas.

"What?" He said, following my movements with his eyes. "What is it?"

"Jack's coming today!" I squealed once more, getting higher in tone as I finished my sentence.

"What?! Is that today?!" He said. A tremendous smile on his face.

"Yesss!" I squealed running out of Mark's room. Just to run back again. "Wait. What time is he coming?" 

"He should be here..." He said, checking his phone for the time. "In about 4 hours."

"Yay!" I said. "I can't wait to meet him! Is he as loud as people say he is?" 

"You'll see." He replied with a smirk. "Until then, we need to get this place ready for him, I'll clean the living room. Could you get the guest room ready?"

"Of course!" I said, scurrying down the hall. It took me no time to get everything ready. After I was done I walked into the living room, still as energetic and excited as ever, only to see Mark collapsed on the couch.

I smacked his ass and he let out a groan. "Stop being lazy! Jack will be here soon. We still need to pick him up from the airport, remember?" 

He looked up to me and said. "Why does having friends have to be such hard work?"

"I don't know. Why does Mark have to be so lazy?" I asked him laughing. He groaned once more and slowly slid off the couch. He began cleaning once more, I helped him this time.

"Okay." He said, panting. "It's time to go get Jack..."

I squealed and ran to the front door. "I can't wait!!" 

Mark followed me slowly. As we made our way to the LAX airport I was getting more and more excited; I could hardly contain it.

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