Chapter 37

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"Jack." I yelled. There was no noise other than the chattering of people in the convention center halls outside of the room I was currently in. I paused and looked around. I was well aware that Mark and Felix had went off somewhere to get some water bottles, they were going to take a while since I knew they were going to be stopped by several fans on their way there and back. I didn't mind that much since we had a good 30-45 minutes left till the doors opened. Jack was the only one who was left with me but I couldn't quite find him. "Jack?" I asked myself. I took another glance around but couldn't spot him anywhere.  I decided I would take a look in the back since I still needed his help. One person can't carry a long ass table on their own. "Where the heck did he go?" I whispered. I looked in every nook and cranny but found myself unable to see that Irish man-child anywhere. I found myself in the hall, still unable to find him anywhere. I heard an excited scream, one ridiculously similar to that of a fan girls, off in the distance. Instinctively I followed that scream. I weaved my way throughout the crowd to not be met by Jack like I had wanted but quite possibly someone who may or may not be able to help me. I had managed to find Rosanna Pansino. I sighed in relief. "Rosanna!" I called. She perked up and looked in my direction. 

"Oh! You're y/n aren't you? It's nice to meet you!" She smiled wide. 

I chuckled and said "It's nice to finally meet you too. But I need you to help me real quick."

"If you're looking for Jack he just passed through a couple seconds ago." She said and pointed to her right. 

"Thank you!" But as I was about to run off in that direction I immediately caught myself and looked to her. "Wait, how did you know I was looking for him, exactly?" 

"You looked distressed and I know you have a panel with him in..."She pulled out her phone and looked at it briefly. "15 minutes."

My heart jumped into my throat and I panicked. Immediately running into his direction caused me to nearly fall flat on my face several times over. I saw him several feet in front of me. "J-Jack!" I called between breaths, causing me to realize I'm unfit. Without realizing he had turned I immediately ran directly into his chest. 

"Jack~ I finally... found you..." I said happily, gasping for air, as his arms instinctively wrapped around me.

"Wow, quite the head full of steam you've got there!" he laughed.

"S...speed is key mah dood." I gasped, probably high off my lack of oxygen. 

Jack patted my head and laughed a little more. I heard the man at the booth behind him gasp, in a somewhat disgusted way. He then followed it by a snicker. I ignored it and slowly pulled my now exhausted self away from Jack.

"You know we have less than 15 minutes till the panel starts and this whole time I've needed you to help me out with a little something-something." I said. If I told him I needed help moving tables he'd say something stupid about him being a "manly man" so I decided against it.

"Oh~ Okay." He said. The man behind him snickering silently once more. 

"We only have 15 minutes before Mark and Felix return so we have to be quick." I said in a near panic.

I dragged Jack back as fast as my already tired legs could take me so we could put the tables in place before Mark and Felix returned so it wouldn't look like we did nothing.

Both Jack and I were sweating and out of breath from running and placing heavy ass tables where they belong as quickly as we could. I was just putting my sweater back on as Mark and Felix walked in.  

Just a Little Hope (Markiplier x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat