Chapter 26: It's Been too Long

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"Where'd you guys go? Why'd you leave me?" I said to Mark and Jack.

"Leave you? Pft...." Said Jack.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Said Mark sassily.

"Oh shut up." I said, lightly hitting Mark's arm. "Anyway. I wanted to tell you guys that somehow Jack's bluntness worked."

"What the fuck." Laughed Mark.

"Ha! See! My plans never fail!" Jack said, obviously full of himself.

"You're so full of it." I said to Jack; hitting his arm lightly.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Said Mark as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Bring me food!" I yelled to him as I walked towards our room.

"Cake?" Said Jack.

"I'm surprised you're not fat, Jack." I said laughing.

"Whatever!" He said loudly as he walked off to his room.

I sat down on the bed and pulled out my phone

I rolled over onto my back and held my phone above my head, gently scrolling through twitter.

"BOO!" I heard someone yell. I panicked and dropped my phone directly onto my face. 

"Owww!" I whined. "What the shit."

I heard hysterical laughter coming from the door. I turned to see Jack holding himself up against the door frame. "Jack!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. "You're such an ass!"

"The moment was there! So I took it!" He managed to say between laughs. He took a deep breath in. "Ohhhh. That was great." 

I glared directly at him. "Says you." He seemed to be having a difficult time containing his laughter.

"Huh?" I felt my phone vibrate. "Oh my gosh!" 

"What?" Said Jack walking towards the bed and setting himself down.

"I got a text from an old friend of mine! His name's Sam and he is literally the gayest gay guy ever! He is the definition of awesome." I said, glowing with excitement.

"I thought I was the definition of awesome..." Jack said sadly.

"You're the definition of bossness, Jack." I wrapped my arms around him. "So don't fuss about it."

"Heh." Laughed Jack. "I know."

~~~Text Conversation~~~

S: Hey! Long time no chat, girly. How ya been?

Y: Sam! I miss you so much! I've been good though, how about you?

S: Oh! Life's been beautiful! I moved to LA and I am IN LOVE with all the palm trees!

Y: You moved to LA?!

S: Heck yeah! I couldn't help myself ;P

Y: I live here now too!

S: Oh my gosh! Meet me at Starbucks NOW. You have to tell me everything!"

Y: I can't wait to see you!

S: See you soon bbg!

~~~End of Conversation~~~

"Well, Jack," I said, facing Jack who was fiddling with the pillow I threw at him. "I have to go meet Sam at Starbucks! Tell Mark where I'm going; if I don't see him first."

"Will do!" Said Jack as he followed me out of the bedroom.

I grabbed the car keys and made my way out the door, if Sam got there first, he would never give me the end of it for being late. I drove down to Starbucks and walked in the door.

I ordered a drink and looked around. I let out a sigh of relief. "Whew! He's not here yet!" I heard the door open behind me, I whipped around to see Sam walk in.

"Oh my gosh, y/n! It's been so long!" He pulled me into his arms. "Woah, boy have you grown! And you look so good. If I wasn't gay I'd totally tap that!" He let out a laugh.

"Is that a compliment?" I said laughing lightly my self. 

"Of course it is! So," He said; pulling me over to a table and sitting me down. "Let's get ourselves all caught up!"

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