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It is important to know that control is everything to Carter Wilkins. A terrible custom she grew to accept as a norm. Everything in her life had to be in her realm of control, even if it wasn't. Things that didn't go her way had deep impacts on her. And so on her bed with covers spread around, Carter sat looking at the golden rays beginning to pour into her room. Another day was coming to an end, reminding carter that for the past two weeks she had isolated herself.

It wasn't a happy feeling, being alone she often found herself thinking of rushing downstairs, engulfing her mother in a hug and apologizing. However, things were more complicated than that, at least to Carter they were. Apologizing would mean losing and acceptance. She would be losing to Hank and that was unacceptable. She would be accepting that things were out of her control.

From beside her, another notification pinged and lit up her screen. It was the third one in the last twenty minutes. Her eyes gazed down to the screen where a low battery alert took up the screen, but she wasn't exactly looking at it; instead, with a heavy heart, she took in the sight of Stacy and Charlie as her wallpaper. Quickly she unlocked the phone and dialed Stacy, praying to whatever higher being was listening that her best friend would pick up. Carter was desperate for reinsurance, to have the feeling that it wasn't her against the world, that someone was on her side. Desperation was not a good luck on Carter, and she knew it. It felt like she was being childish and close-minded, but she just couldn't help it.

By the third ring Carter had found herself pacing by the window. Pacing was another habit she had. Back and forth she walked until she heard the familiar, mechanical voice telling her to leave a message. She sighed heavily and looked at the window, the sun was almost gone and the once busy street was beginning to become vacant. The forest across the street seemed to give off a tranquil yet dangerous sense. Carter's attention strayed on the cluster of trees for a while, soon it was broken by a throng of people loitering across from her home.

She wasn't quite sure when they had arrived, or how long she had been starring, but sure enough someone was looking right back at her. Through the now dim light emitted from the streetlights Carter could barely manage to see exactly who was watching her. Leaning closer to the window she suddenly stumbled back as the person across from her began to wave. A shot of adrenaline coursed throughout Carter as she opened her window and awkwardly waved back.

Whoever the stranger may be, seemed like they had not been expecting a wave back. With some playful nudging, soon they got some of their friends to look across and take notice of Carter. Before she knew it someone was crossing the street and making their way to her front door.

She had to act quick, throwing on some sweats and slipping into some sandals Carter tip toed down the stairs. It was her lucky day that her mother happened to be on another date with Hank and that Chase was busy with playing video games with his friends back home. Charlie was the only one who would ever know of the events that would soon take place.

Caressing his chin, Carter pecked Charlie's forehead when there was a knock on the door. She took a deep breath, counted to twenty three, then slowly opened the door. It was common sense not to open the door to strangers, she had been told a million times not only by teachers but also her mother. In the moment common sense went out the window leaving Carter face to face with a stranger.

"Uh...hey there,"said the stranger with a bright smile. She was tall, or at least taller than Carter, her monolid eyes were a deep brown and now gazing down on her. A small comfort fell on Carter realizing that this beautiful stranger seemed to be about her age.

"Hi. Why are you here..?" Carter asked awkwardly. Her response gained her a laugh from the girl before her, it slightly bothered Carter since it was apparent she wasn't in on a joke she had said.

Swiping a couple strands of thick stands behind her ear she stood straighter and extended her right hand,"I'm Meg. Sorry I saw you from across the street and... well it's just that no one's ever waved back before. My friends and I completely forgot someone new had moved into this house. It used to belong to an old friend of ours and it's sort of like a tradition to wave to the house whenever we would pass by."

"Oh," Carter said shortly,"I mean--sorry I'm Carter." Mentally Carter was kicking herself, why was she apologizing? Why couldn't I just introduce myself and move on. It took a massive amount of will power for Carter to not actually pinch or kick herself. She spent so much time overthinking she hadn't realized Meg was talking to her.

" what do you say?"


Meg sighed but was still grinning at Carter,"the forest, want to join us?"

She was all set to politely decline until someone emerged from behind Meg. He was even taller than Meg and unlike her, his hair was made up of chocolate brown curls, Carter couldn't help the feeling of wanting to run her fingers through each curl. What snapped her out of her odd trance was his smooth voice, "what's taking you so long?" He voice was a mixture of irritation and exhaustion.

Meg crossed her arms proudly over her chest,"well sorry, I was just inviting Carter here to join us."

He hadn't seemed to noticed the small girl in front of him, but once he had his cheeks had become dominated by a rosy tint. "S..Sorry.."he mumbled before shuffling away from the door and down the steps. Across the road more of their friends were sneaking peaks and sharing whispers, it gave Carter an uneasy feeling.

"Please come with us, just for an hour and if you want to come back I'll have Dylan bring you back. He's nicer once you get past his shy facade."

"It's not a facade!" A loud shout sounded from behind Meg as her smile begins to reach her eyes. She seemed pretty satisfied with the response from the curly haired boy. The only other thing that would satisfy her now would be Carter's response.

Carter liked control, staying in her room would mean she would be in complete control, however...Dylan's hopeful glance met her from the door frame and something seemed to change. It was temporary, momentary, but it was there. She had made up her mind, telling herself that the time she was out there was in her control.

"Let me just grab a sweater and I'll meet you in five."

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