Chapter 5

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I slouch down on the bathroom mirror, looking at my reflection. The bathroom was empty, making the only thing audible the sounds of hallway lockers opening and closing, along with mindless chatter from students. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, nearly making me thank the universal forces out loud.

Of course my anger was not directed towards Alana, she was only trying to help.Also, I wasn't feeling angry, just frustrated, at least that's what I think is what I'm feeling. Whatever emotion I was feeling was aimed at myself; here I was thinking change was possible. My hair was definitely a sign that I am meant to stay the same.

Gathering up the few courage I had, I walked out of the bathroom. As I continued to walk, I made sure my head was up, trying as hard as possible to give myself some self esteem. It definitely was a shitty plan that wasn't working out that great.

The closer I got the more I could see myself turning the brass handle to enter my classroom.By the time I was inches from the door my stomach took on a mind of its own and decided to do some flips. How could I face these people? I did not want to be the person everyone always gives weird looks to. I also did not want to earn a reputation as that weird girl that bolted out of class over a meaningless bad hair day. Maybe I could feign being sick. No. I couldn't back down hand was already on the handle.

As the glorious sound of the bell rang through the halls I couldn't help but release the tight breath I was holding onto.Finally something was going my way. I still had to go get my things, but I'm sure people will focus more on trying to get to their next class. My second chance at opening the door was short lived. I wasn't the one to open it, instead someone else opened it. With my luck I should have guessed I was going to get hit.

The realization at how hard the person opened the door did not hit me. The impact turned out to be hard enough to make my vision darken and my whole body go limp. Everything became a blur, but I could still hear and feel. The distant sound of people crowding around me was obvious, what frightened me was who I could faintly feel pick me up.

"Stay with me Carter...," I hear a  voice say. It was a distant voice but it sounded familiar. With as much strength as I could, I tried to make light of the darkness. All I saw was grey, after trying so hard I just let the world fade to black.

+          +          +

Once I was finally awake I rubbed my eyes and felt a sturdy cot beneath me. I placed my hand on my head and looked around the room. From what I took in, jars with bandages, cotton balls, gloves, I assumed I was in the nurses office.

"Have a nice nap?" Asked the same familiar voice from earlier. My eyes snapped to the direction the voice came from. Who better to own the familiar voice than Josh, who was casually leaning against a wall.

A brief silence surfaced until I spoke first." What happened?" From the way his lips curved into a smile, I was guessing that whatever happened to me probably had something to do with him. My instinct only became stronger once he began stepping closer towards me.

"Not much, I accidentally hit you with the door while I was leaving class. Then I carried you here and the nurse took you in. Funny though, you weighed less then I imagined." 

I wasn't very surprised with his response,however it still made me angry. How was it that no matter where you went all guys seemed the same:prideful, cocky and angering. 

"Yeah well you're still as stupid as I'd assume you were.  So why are you here?" I asked. He moved to the foot of the cot and looked down at me. I sat up trying to seem like I was bigger, which made me look like an idiot seeing we was half a head taller than me even if I was on my feet.

"A hero always has to check on their damsel in distress. I was kind of expecting a thank you, not a sassy remark." He had a joking nature in his voice, one I wasn't in the nature of appreciating . Boy I was trying so hard not to jump up from where I stood and just slap him upside the head. A hero? Was he serious, I could think of other words to describe him, and hero wasn't one of them.

"Thanks for the help or whatever, you can leave now. Aren't you supposed to be hitting on some cheerleaders or something?" I say. At this point my head is starting to ache and I don't need him making it worse. I'll be lucky if I make it the rest of the day without killing anyone.

"Okay princess I'll go, but first I need you not to mention to anyone that I hit you. Only mention that I was the one to carry you to the nurse's office." He stiffened and his eyes became serious. The entire mood of the room changed, and I tried my best to make it seem like I gave no fucks. Who was he to tell me what I could and couldn't say?

"Listen here, I'm going to tell what happened the way it happened. I doubt your precious reputation will even dent because of this inconvenience," my voice was slightly raising after every couple words. It then came to my attention that the nurse might have heard me, if she did she probably had decided to ignore me. Whether she was listening or not I suddenly felt self conscious for raising my voice.

"It's your turn to listen. You don't have me figured out Einstein, you're a newbie to our city and school, so let me fill you in. I've maintained an impeccable image since Kindergarten, this story will start rumors and rumors never end well. If you so much as tell one person what really happened you're screwed." Josh hissed, his voice low and he seemed to have gotten closer. He was starting to scare me, but I would rather punch myself then admit it.

I emitted a dry laugh and stood up. I was now feeling my confidence boosting. "Josh are you threatening me? If people here are easily silenced by empty words then I shouldn't have much trouble here. Remember I'm the one who can 'mess' up your reputation, so I suggest you show a little kindness." With that I left the nurse's office, leaving Josh cursing under his breath. Such an impressionable first day. 

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