Chapter 25

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"I'm not going to get this."

"You aren't even trying."

"Says you..."

With a playful punch to the shoulder Dylan lilts back to his spot at our table. "Just try harder, make it with love...oh wait you're heartless."

Flicking some some tomato sauce at Dylan I roll my eyes and continue stirring the pot. A horrific whistles from the right signifies me to poor the hot water into the second,more larger pot. From the dinning table I hear Dylan chuckle. "You buffoon! Instead of laughing at me come help me." 

With a grudging attitude Dylan trudges back into the kitchen. "C, it isn't that hard to make spaghetti." Reaching for a wooden spoon he smacks my hand. "Seeing as you can barely keep up with sauce stirring, I believe it is best you retrieve your posterior to the dinning table."

"You can't jus-"

"Ep! The chef's word is final, now off with you." 

"Well damn Martha Stewart."

Walking over to my laptop I realize an old song has begun to play. Soon I find my hands turning up the volume. "I'd never gone with the wind" I begin softly as the melody starts. As the lyrics flowed through the dining room, I smiled and made my way back to the kitchen with a happy tune.

"You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around." Dylan sings to himself. I try my hardest from allowing myself to laugh, Dylan singing a Taylor Swift song was the cherry on top of this moment. 

Emerging from the edge of the door I sing," You make me crazier, crazier." Spinning from his place at the stove he smiles and sings louder and off key."I've watched from a distance as you made life your own!"

Before I knew it we where both off key singing the rest of the song as loud as we could. The moment was full of happiness and I felt life going right. For some reason cooking and singing terribly with Dylan felt right, I couldn't help but smile.

As the next song played I felt the beginning of another familiar tune. Without warning Dylan grabbed my hand and lead me into a simple waltz. "Dylan what are you doing." I laughed. Smiling down at me he spun me. 

"Just dancing, which by the way is yet another thing you are incapable of doing." His laughed lit up the room as I pushed him away. Pulling me back into the dance he sang softly with closed eyes. There was something about his goofey smile that caught my attention, trapping my eyes into gazing at him. He always kept things interesting, it left me speechless how close we got in just one semester. What was it about Dylan that had me opening up and unable to frown around him.

Once the song ended we began to smell something burning and then the doorbell rang. Suddenly we both bolted in separate directions, Dylan towards the kitchen and I to the door. As I opened the door I could hear the sound of Dylan opening windows and shooing out the smoke with the rag we always kept by the sink. 

"Hello." I smiled and greeted the person at the door. Starring into stirring grey ayes my smile quickly fell as a scowl quickly emerged. 

"Has your mother never told your face would get stuck if you made unpleasant faces?" 

"Is that why your face is that way? I guess you should've listened to your own mother."

With a low chuckle Josh took a step closer, making me clutch to the door. Gazing at him again I frowned seeing he was wearing clothes that clung to his fit body, while I wore clothes that helped me resemble a potato. My eyes caught a familiar light blue hoodie in his left hand. Without noticing, Josh had followed my gaze. He awkwardly cleared his throat and handed me my hoodie from our beach adventure. " left this in the car."

"Is this all you came for?" I asked with curiosity. His eyes flickered and he took a step back. From behind me I could here Dylan setting down plates and cups. A small part of me wished he wouldn't see Josh. 

"Is your mom cooking?" Snapping my attention back to Josh I smiled as I explained Dylan was teaching me to make spaghetti. His expression became placid the moment I mentioned Dylan, which made me slightly confused. One moment he was awkwardly giving me back my hoodie, the next he seemed unfeeling. 

"Anyways..." I awkwardly attempted to get our attention back to my previous question. He seemed to get the hint as he sighed. 

"Look...I feel somewhat bad about that night...soo I was wondering if you wanted to go to a Christmas party."

My heart began racing. Was he going to ask me to be his date there? Struggling to find words I simply nodded like an idiot. The edges of his mouth emerged into a smirk. As much as I hated myself for it, I couldn't help but smile. "As glad as I am that you're going there is a dress code, and if you don't follow it you can't enter." His smirk grew smug, leaving me nervous. "It has a theme, green, white, gold, silver, red colors only, and you must wear a mask. See you then nerd." With a subtle wink he handed me an invitation and left. 

After closing the door and returning to the kitchen I found Dylan looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "You have got to be kidding me."

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