Chapter 10

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The minutes were ticking by during fifth period. Lunch was the only thing on people's mind, especially mine. My eyes were gazing blankly outside at the tree. Suddenly I felt a small amount of pressure on my arm, Dylan was smiling and poking me. Pointing at his notebook I read his note in messy blue ink: where are you going for lunch today?

"Mr. Hudson, could you answer my question." Mrs Ellis said unexpectedly. She walked past our desks, her heels click-clacking on the tile. For a woman of her age I would assume heels were too much for her, but hey no judgement here. In the seat behind me I could sense her sitting, or leaning against the old wood desk surface. "Why do we study history Mr. Hudson?"

Looking around, I noticed almost everybody had shifter their gaze to Dylan. Of course Dylan didn't seem to mind, to me it looked like he actually enjoyed the attention. Leaning back in his chair he smiled brightly and answered our teachers question. "We learn history to understand our countries origin. Also, to improve.

Mrs. Ellis began to walk around the room again. She stopped in front of a blonde girl's desk. Catching me off guard, Mrs. Ellis asked me the same question. This time all eyes were on me and I sank in to my seat a little. In a quiet voice I said, "So we learn from past mistakes and not repeat them..?"

"That was the answer I was looking for. Well said Mrs. Wilkins."

We continued our lesson on World War II. History wasn't my thing so I kept glancing at the clock, which seemed to go backwards. This class was dragging on too long, all I wanted was my pasta and to continue reading. Looking at the clock once again I saw there was only five minutes left. Dylan noticed too and began shoving things into his backpack. Tapping his shoulder, Dylan turned to me.

"Library." I said simply. He frowned a little making me feel a small pinch of guilt. "You could come with me if you want."

Smiling he lead us out of the room and through the halls. Around us people met up with their friends, crowding halls as they stood around updating each other. Dylan stopped a couple feet away from the library door and turned to me once again. "Can you please skip your library day, please? Come hang with the gals."

"What about Ryan?" I laughed as I raised an eyebrow at him. Dylan smirked and grabbed me by the elbows forcing me to the direction of the cafeteria. "Ryan might as well be one of them." He joked.

After countless arguing we left the cafeteria through the door across from the one we came and made our way to a patch of grass under a big oak tree between the science wing and the math wing. Dylan kept guiding me by the shoulders, even though I kept protesting.

"Hey C!" Ella screamed as she ran over to me giving me a tight hug. Ella was one of the few new people that make up my friend group. Ella is really sweet and if I choose one word to describe her it would be tumblr or flower child. Unlike everyone else Ella is a vegetarian, which I've heard lots of people confuse for vegan.

After Ella was done squeezing the life out of me, she forced me to sit down between Katia and Lucas. Ella then commenced with shoving some slices of watermelon in my mouth.

Like all the other girls in my group Ella was stunning. She was way taller then I was, about 5'8 and had the perfect body: flat stomach, natural curves, smooth legs. A week ago she came up to me in the halls and asked me to feel her legs, honestly I think she knows she has amazing legs, which is good. On more then one occasion she asked me if I had any thought of trying out for the soccer team next week, to which I laughed hysterically at. Overall Ella is just a perfect person.

On my left Lucas pushed up his glasses and continued playing some video game on his phone.

Lucas is the shyest person I've ever met. I have no clue if he's one of those shy people that turn out to be really nice, or the type that find out all about you then use your weaknesses against you. Either way, he really didn't seem comfortable around me. For a geeky guy, he had a boyish charm to himself, he had a tall lanky built, wondrous blue eyes, and almond colored skin.

Putting her head on my lap, Katia announced,"you're coming to the beach with us tomorrow." As much as I loved the beach, my mom wouldn't let me go alone. At the mention of going some place alone is enough for my mom to flip out.

"Can't, my mom is a psychopath when it comes to me being by myself in the big bad world." I deadpanned. Flipping her ebony hair out of her eyes, Katia sat up.

Katia was kind of scary. She had a very serious look and seems like the type of person you think hates you. Unfortunately for me Katia was a good three inches taller then me, making me take her place as the shortest of the group. Like me, she has brown eyes, only hers are a lighter shade of brown and are always paired with a thin coat of eyeliner. Both her and Ella had the same skin tones.

Not letting the topic drop, Katia continued pushing. "We could put you in a body bag and kidnap you for a couple hours." Everyone laughed as my cheeks turned pink at her commenting on my size.

"Hey, if we ever go to a drive in movie I'll be saving myself sixteen dollars."

Jumping over me, Ryan sat opposite me and shoved a watermelon slice in his mouth. "And how would you save sixteen dollars exactly?" He asked. Smiling I was ready to make them jealous of my height. Before I could deliver my comeback Dylan but in. "By dressing as a baby and being held in Ella's arms." The group once again boomed with laugher as I pouted.

"Hey!" Ella added. "Are you saying I'm old enough to look like a mom?" Everyone's laughs calmed down. "Course not, don't you worry your pretty little blond head about aging young." Ryan teased.

Of course Ryan was teasing her, he enjoys flirting and teasing anything with boobs. Lucky for me, I was never a target. Ryan was the tallest out of all of us, he had a  more muscular figure, which doesn't surprise me since he's a football and basketball star. Although his eyes were a lovely shade of green, they couldn't beat Dylan's.

"Hey guys. Where's Meg?" I mentioned. The chatty girl wasn't around when I was forced here, I thought she would be here by now, we were half way into lunch.

"Not here." Ryan chuckled. "She sassed our science teacher and awarded herself a third detention this week."

Rolling to the middle of our naturally formed circle, Katia beamed sarcastically, "shall we get back on topic my lovelies?" With a roll of my eyes I once again reminded her of my mom. Katia and I kept going back and forth. She didn't understand strict parents.

"I don't know how you're going to do it, but you're coming to the beach, we leave at six kid." She demanded. Dylan choked on his water. "Six?! What happened to ten?" Katia grunted and flicked his knee. "Pay attention to the group chat next time drama queen."

Looking up from his phone Lucas said,"how are we supposed to keep up? You girls talk about fifty things in the spam of about one minute, not to mention you say it all around three in the morning.." Ryan put his hand up dramatically. "Objection! Lucas how are you supposed to get a girl when you don't speak their language. Keep up man."

Jesus...I could barely survive lunch with them, how can I manage a whole day? One thing was for sure tomorrow will either be very boring or very eventful.

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