Chapter 33

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Pulling up to the front of the restaurant Chase nudged his older sister and gave her a stern look, as if giving her a warning; don't-do-anything-stupid read his gaze. Wonderful, simply wonder, here she was at the entrance of some fancy pants place, alone might I add, when all she wanted was to be at home.For some reason Chase was playing the middle-man,nevertheless in Carter's mind that was him choosing to be against her.

"How about you guys wait inside while I park," Frank gestured to the gigantic glass door, with a canopy marked "entrance". Cassandra leaned over her seat and kissed his stubbly cheek, her hand reaching over to open the car door at the same time.

"Ugh..." Carter made no effort to disguise her disgust towards the couple before her. A service man helped open her door and she quickly got out, making sure to slam the car door and trudge her way straight to the entrance.

In her purse, Carter felt a slight vibration from her phone. "Hello?" She asked into the phone, her tone snippy.

"Where are you?" Dylan asked with a sigh. She had been avoiding and ignoring him as if he were the plague. She mentally cursed at herself for no looking at the caller ID, just another thing to mount onto this terrible evening.

"Not now...I'm busy,"she snapped, clicking "end" on their call. With stern frown, Carter made her way to a rather spacey waiting area, taking in the multiple well-clothed people also waiting. Her roaming eyes landed on a familiar face, tracing his features she noticed a well formed bruise right below his eye. Thankfully, his full attention was on his phone,where he was furiously typing. With great caution, Carter made her way to a seating area in a dimly lit corner.

Raising a random magazine cover, she attempted to keep a low status, hoping to the universe he wouldn't notice her. Peeking over the magazine she saw his eyes were already on her, and he was now making his way towards her.

Once he reached her, he leaned against the wall and took in the sight of her. She wasn't wearing anything special, just a deep red off the shoulder dress that nearly reached her mid thigh and nude flats. Her hair was in a low, messy up-do, while her face was coated with some concealer and mascara.

"What are you doing here?" She asked simply.

He smiled down at her and pulled a chair from the table beside them. Running a hand through his hair he said,"I'm here on a business lunch, what are you doing here?" Adjusting his tie, he watched her closely for some strange reason. It confused her why he wasn't bringing up the incident at his party.

"My mom's boyfriend invited us to come..."she replied in a soft voice, speaking of him reminded her that she had no idea where they were. They could have already been seated, and she was here socializing with someone who hurt her multiple times. Wow, thinking about it made her realize she was hitting a new low. Looking at Josh completely for the first time, she remembered something very valuable: he had a brother. "On another your brother here?"

His small grin flipped to a frown,"no, he sat this one out." Her hopes were crushed and she rose from her chair.

"I suppose we have nothing further to talk about then." Making her way to the hostess, she had not noticed Frank, causing her to walk right into him.

Holding rather tightly on to her elbow he leaned down and met her vicious glare. If looks could kill, they would both be dead."Where have you been, we've been waiting for you." By the way he was gripping her, she wouldn't be surprised if markings were left behind.

"Relax Frank, we were just catching up." From behind her Josh spoke up, making Frank release her. Standing closely by her side, Josh held out his hand.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here doctor." Josh said in a cold tone. Frank shook his hand, not meeting his eyes. "I wasn't aware you were the boyfriend, seeing my friend's mom, oh Frank, I've heard so much about you. Pleasure to finally meet the head doctor of the hospital my father helps sponsor."

Once again Frank looked down to look at Carter. "The pleasure is mine, I'm sorry I have to cut this greeting short, but Carter and I have to go back to our table, isn't that right sweetheart."

Internally Carter gagged at his pet name for her, utterly disgusting. However, she smiled sweetly and responded,"I'm in no rush we were, after all, just catching up. You know how it is with old friends."

"I'm in no rush either. Hey! I have an even better idea. How about you tell Mrs.Mason to move over to table 19, so that all of you can join me, and the board for dinner." The level of passive aggressiveness leaking from Josh's response, nearly had Carter bursting out laughing. "And while you grab the Mrs.'s, I'll escort Carter to the table. That sound good to you, doctor? Good. See you in a short while." And with that he held out his arm for Carter to take, which she did making sure to wave a lilting hand goodbye to Frank.

Once hey had gotten a couple tables far from Frank, Carter dragged Josh into an empty hallway leading to the restrooms. "What the hell was that?!" She boasted, trying hard not to smile at the little act he showcased.

"Hey, I know a cry for help when I see one. Also, it's my way of saying sorry...y'know, for what happened." Sheepishly he looked down at his shoes, twiddling his thumbs in the silence that wrapped around them like a blanket.

"Well," she started with a sigh,"I suppose I can forgive you, but.."

"But..?" He repeated.

"But no more Josh. I'm not a toy you can just keep pushing towards the edge. If we're going to be friends, or even just acquaintances, you have to be okay with simply saying 'hi' to me in the hallways." Blowing a stray hair out of her face she waited for his response, which didn't take long.

"Done!" He agreed, then held out his arm once more."Shall we return to our table then, m'lady."

With a smile, she looped her own arm around his and allowed him to lead the way,"you totally saved me,"she whispered under her breath. In reality she knew she was playing with fire just by forgiving him. How many chances was she willing to give him before she completely broke down? She hadn't the slightest idea.

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