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Smoothing out her dress, Carter's icy gaze lingered on the boy before her. She raised an eyebrow at him, awaiting an explanation. When he just stood there gaping at her like a fish, she chose to lure an explanation out of him. "What the hell is his problem?!" 

"Carter I really don't know what his deal is. I'm sorry," Josh took a step towards her, taking her cold hand in both of his. His eyes softened and a frown was prominent on his face. She refused to meet his cloudy eyes. This problem wasn't going to be fixed with empty words. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Retrieving her hand, she turned her back to him. She wrapped her arms around herself as a chilly breeze nipped at her hair. It was getting to be too much for her. Inside, no matter how much she denied it, Carter knew Josh could be such a wonderful person; it was proven by the way he kept reaching out to her. However, she had come to the acceptance that he always had to come first. 

Seeing as his mouth made no intention of moving, Carter spoke again,"being friends is not going to work for me if all your words are complete nonsense. I'm fucking tired of this Josh! For once I just want you to stand by me...to see me just for me. Not someone who isn't popular, not someone 'different' than the other girls you pick up." It was getting boring and predictable with Josh. Carter had had enough, if he wasn't going to prove his actions to her, then she wanted to break all ties with him. She didn't know when she started walking away, all she knew is that she couldn't stop.

Before she knew it, a hand firmly snaked around her wrist, pulling her into a warm embrace. Her face pressed against a chest, the faded scent of mint and...lavender greeting her nose. 

Placing a gentle hand on her cheek he tilted her head in his direction. He gave her a small smile, small but it still held the radiance of ten suns," Carter I really am sorry. Let me make it up to you. Next Saturday I have a football game on a private team, I want you to come. Afterwards, we can do whatever you want. Sound good?"

Carter sighed knowing she couldn't help but give in. It felt so good to give, like a month to light. Evidently, she knew she would hate herself later."This is your last chance Sanders," she muttered into his embrace, taking one more breath of his scent. 

Josh's smile reached ear to ear. He lifted Carter into his arms and spun her around. As they spun he said,"you won't regret this I promise." His warm eyes invaded her cold ones, giving her no choice but to soften up and return his gallant smile. Oh how badly this was going to sting later on.

He set her down, his arms still wrapped around her. They stood there simply looking at each other until Josh realized the placement of his hands, which he moved back to his sides. He mumbled a feeble "sorry" before escorting her back to their table. The intense blush on Carter's cheeks evident.

*          *          *

Monday morning couldn't have crept up fast enough, however, Carter found herself pleasantly welcoming it. She had woken up before her alarm, getting eagerly dressed and prepped for school. There was even enough spring in her step to motivate her to make herself a proper breakfast. Two waffles with strawberries and scrambled eggs on the side. She stepped out the door ten minutes early and took her time getting to school, earphones plugged into both of her ears. 

A familiar tune began to play and she began to hum along, unaware someone had fallen into step with her and also began to hum. It wasn't until they were halfway through the song that Josh decided to unplug one of her earphones. 

The sudden movement triggered Carter's hand to connect with Josh's soft, cold cheek. It was only seconds later Carter realized what she had just done. Immediately she had to apologize repeatedly. 

Josh held his right cheek and began to laugh at the expression of fear on Carter's face. It didn't take long for Carter to calm down and join him. They laughed together in the frosty morning in a soft moment that seemed infinite. It was a nice feeling to finally be on good terms with Josh.  She took a mental note to enjoy this pleasant moment as long as she could. Carter started by taking in the way his breath became frosted by the cold weather and the way he was still softly holding his now red cheek. 

The moment sadly ended and they continued to walk in silence to school. It was Josh who had broken their comfortable silence."Would you like to go on a date?"

It was a rather simple question containing only eight words. However, it was these eight words that were put into this very specific sequence that had completely caught Carter off guard. It took her flustered brain a full minute to register what he had just said. Every syllable was carefully thought out, making sure her brain didn't just suddenly decided to play an awful prank on her. 

Josh was expecting either three lettered word or a two lettered word, he wasn't prepared for her to completely stop in the middle of a road they were crossing. It was a miracle there were no cars this early in the morning, for Carter would most likely have been run over. 

"Are you crazy you can't just stop in the middle of the road like that!" Josh reached for her numbingly cold hand and pulled her close. He walked her to a nearby bakery and gently pushed her inside. 

"Look...I know I'm a shitty person and you have every reason to reject the hell out of me. But Carter, you need to know that I haven't been able to think straight since the Christmas party. I've never felt so sick about my actions. Seeing you run away from me felt like a punch in the stomach. Carter I don't ever want to see you so hurt, ever. All I want is you to be happy, whether that's with me or not." Josh meant each and every word he said to Carter. 

She stared deeply into his cloudy grey eyes. Her decision could be either the best one she could ever make or the worst one. Either way, she was dead set on her decision. Raising his hand to cup her face she smiled happily, dreamily at him," nothing would make me happier."

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