Chapter 24

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There was no mistaking his gallant green eyes, or his curly brown hair. My former friend stood before me awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as my two captors stood by his sides. I kept my gaze locked on his, not sparing him the luxury to cower back. My mind was so busy with thoughts about Dylan, I hadn't paid much attention to the goons at his side. One of them was shorter then him, but taller than me; by the way her body curved at the waste I figured she was a girl. The other figure on his left was tall and lanky, he seemed more into his phone than the situation  in front of him. He reminded me of someone, who held the same habit.

It seemed pretty ridiculous he had me captured like an animal, only for me to just be standing in front of him in a...forest? I hadn't even noticed the tall evergreen's tucked in a fresh layer of snow. If I weren't being held here captive I probably would have been gawking and awing over my surroundings. As mesmerizing as the snow and trees were I had to pay my attention back to my current situation.

"Dylan, we haven't spoken in weeks, you've planned my kidnapping and currently have brought me to forest. What the fuck?! What's wrong with you, are you insane!?" My warm breath resembled a small cloud as it met the cold atmosphere. His eyes widened and his cheeks became slightly tinted in pink. Surrounded by this snow made him look paler and his eyes greener. It was a good look to him, it really brought out a more innocent look...if only he were.

Stepping forward his lips cracked into a soft smile. He reached out and wrapped a thicker jacket over me. "I know this all looks bad, and I'm sorry, but it would really help if I could explain everything in a couple minutes." 

Sighing heavily I nodded my head, saying no probably wasn't an option anyways. 

"Great, now follow me" Dylan smiled brightly at me as if I were here by choice, and as if everything in the world were right at the moment. Maybe in his own world everything was going his way, but in mine everything seemed to be slowly falling apart. Grabbing my sweater's sleeve Dylan lead us through a patch of thick evergreen trees. The deeper we walked through the forest the thick the snow grew, from time to time I would slide my hands through low branches allowing the snow descend to the ground. 

"Here we are!" Dylan beamed with joy after about thirty minutes of walking. Bending down to rest my hands on my knees, I let out heavy, frost breaths. Glancing back in my direction, Dylan's mouth formed a sly grin. It wasn't until I fully stood up that I saw the man made ice rink. It was shaped in a perfect oval, framed with a wooden gate. Along with the frosted pines, the private rink was breath taking. 

Raising an eyebrow I looked at Dylan curiously,"what's all this?" Dylan's deep green eyes poured into mine just seconds before he embraced me in a tight hug. The impact from his body left me in shock with widened eyes and a stiff body, not knowing whether to hug or punch him. Why the fuck was he hugging me?  

"Carter I'm so sorry about what happened at the beach, I promise I'll be a better friend. I never meant for you to get hurt." He whispered softly, "you're such a great person and even though I don't now you that well our friendship means so much to me." I have always been taught to walk away from toxic people; I was taught to walk away and only the people who really wanted me in their lives would fight to have me back. There was people like Josh having me around just because I'm available, but then leaving when I need them. But there has never been someone like Dylan. 

Once I had feeling in my arms I wrapped them around him with what I hope was a reasuring squeeze. Leaning my head against him I closed my eyes thanking the universal forces for such a great person. 

Slowly letting go Dylan lead us to the rink as he pulled out a pair of skates from a nearby bush. "Once I dust off all this frost we're good to go." He said softly. 

Glancing at him awkwardly I asked, "how did you get my shoe size?" 

With an eye reaching smile he rubbed some frost on me. "I asked your mom, I hope that's not weird." Laughing I stood on the tip of my toes to ruffle his hair. It was so soft and curly, but I feared my hand would never see the light of day. It surprised me my mom hadn't mentioned him, then again it's not like we've been talking as much.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Dylan asks while handing me my skates. 

It was't that I didn't want to tell him, I just wanted to keep things to myself, it was my problem after all. "Nothing to worry about. Let's get skating!" Grabbing his hand I lead us to the rink before he could ask any follow up questions. 

*     *     *

After a couple hours of skating I leaned against the wooden fence in an attempt to catch my breath. I forget I'm lousy at ice skating. 

 "Tired already?" Dylan teased. Playfully teasing him away, I realized he hadn't explained my 'kidnapping'.

"All jokes aside can we please talk about the way I was forced here?"

Resting his cool hands on his temples Dylan sighed. "Well you see it's a funny story..." Rolling my eyes I punched his shoulder as a way of telling him to go on."Alright, alright Jesus...Anyways a couple weeks ago I was sitting with everyone and whining about your everlasting grudge. As always Katia had a suggestion, which was the whole capturing thing. She only got that far I thought of where to take you. So then two of our terrible decision making friends played the role of your captors while I played their chief or whatever."

Despite scarring the hell out of me it was a pretty funny story. Raising my hand I back hand slapped Dylan. "That's for kidnapping me." Raisin my hand again I front hand slapped his other cheek. "That's for listening to Katia." Laughing I brought him into a tight hug, which he hapily returned as he mumbled curse words and whined about the pain. "That's for caring...thank you Dylan."


Oof that took forever to upload, anyways here we have chapter 24. I hope you enjoy.

Also...this story has reached over five hundred reads! Thank you so much to everyone who is reading and supporting my story. Also thanks for putting up with my terrible updating schedule it's a hot mess. 

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