Chapter 12

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"Let me get this straight. You were acting off today because you have daddy issues?"

Dylan's palm made contact with his forehead making a loud smacking sound. Sitting up his shadow towered over where I was sitting. The dim lights from the outside gave away the time. Since it was September the sky grew darker quicker, signalling it was only about six o' clock. 

His mood had changed dramatically. He went from gloomy and distant, to...well Dylan, happy, smart mouth, laid back Dylan. Seeing him happy made me happy. This was my fist time seeing him out of character, and now that I've seen him this way, I never want to see it again. Still...there is this feeling of guilt inside of me for being devastated over someone I know for months and not feeling the same with someone I've know for years. It's best if I just brush off the strange emotion, if I choose to acknowledge I'll end up letting t consume me. 

"C!"Dylan's hand was balled into a weak fist and my shoulder had a light numbing feeling. I smiled at him and softly rubbed where he had punched me. "Oh, I'm sorry did I punch you too hard?" He asked with a panicked tone. Friendly laughter irrupted from my mouth and I pushed him making him lay back on my bed.

"Dylan your punches couldn't hurt me if you wanted them to." I teased   

Rolling his eyes he sat up and let out a sigh. "I am choosing to ignore that comment. Anyways, lets get back on topic. This isn't just 'daddy issues' it's family issues. My dad being transferred her for a couple months has both my moms on edge. He also wants to meet up with me and if that wasn't bad enough, I heard my mom on the phone with him. She didn't sound too happy. From what I got from eavesdropping, he's planning on asking me to live with him while he's staying here."

"That's insane, he leaves you and your mom for nine years, then comes back as if nothing has changed?!" My blood was beginning to boil. What idiot wouldn't want a son like Dylan? This sick man left behind a wonderful family for a job opportunity. He better wish I never meet him because I will charge at him and make a bitch sorry they left. 

In my spiral of thoughts, I blurted, "does he know your mom is a lesbian?" Right away I slapped both hands over my mouth, fearing I had offended him. He looked at me confusingly while scratching the back of his neck.

"Now that I think about it...I do't think he does. My mom blocked him on every possible social media sight and he never bothered to call us. So maybe he doesn't."

Someone began to knock roughly on the door and Dylan opened it to let the stranger in. Chase was on the other side of the door, he glanced dully at me the Dylan. A cheeky smirk emerged on his face and his eyebrows raised. "What were you two doing with the door locked?" Rolling my eyes I gave him a slap on the arm. "Ow...anyways mom left to go walk Frank to his car, I thought you'd like to know that the kitchen is free for raiding." He turned around and left to his room. I glanced to Dylan hoping he would catch my hint. Dylan nodded and led us to the kitchen. 

"Let's moving on from this topic. Do you think you're mom will let you come tomorrow?"

He took a seat on a stool and I began to laugh. After a few minutes of me laughing I realized I was laughing alone. "Oh you're serious?" He nods. "Dylan you've seen my mom. She jump in front of a car before she lets me got to the beach alone with friends, not to mention three of them are guys." Making my way to the fridge I tossed him a water bottle and sipped from my own.

The subtle aroma of lasagna greeted my nose. Opening the oven I took out what was left of the meal and served it into two plates. I handed one to Dylan and placed a fork on his plate.

"You could at least ask."

"Even if I do ask and bye fat chance she says yes, how are all seven-" 

"Eight, Katia's boyfriend is coming." Dylan interrupts taking a bite out of his lasagna. 

I clear my throat sarcastically. "As I was saying. How are all eight of us getting there?"

Before Dylan could answer me the front door opened and closed, Seconds later my mom comes into the kitchen, on her neck I catch a glimpse of a hicky. I rise and and march over to her. Seeming to know what was on my mind she covers her neck with her black scarf. 

"Mother if I didn't know any better I would say there's a love bite on your neck." 

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