Day at the beach

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You know every girl has her own prince charming dreams ... Someone wants a jock someone wants a nerd but 60% of girl population wants a badboy bcoz they are mysterious and all .. You know what i was one of them .. I always liked badboys but after meeting nathan my mindset changed .. I wont say i like him but things do change right ...

I woke up to the tune of wild (my alarm) .. I rubbed my eyes and smiled .. You must be thinking she really is a morning person but let me tell you .. I AM NOT .. It was friday and knowing i will get to sleep more tomorrow made me smile ... I did my morning deeds and grabbed my bag and ran downstairs .. I entered the kitchen and saw mum cooking .. " hii mom .. Byee mom " i ran out to my baby munching my toast ... Oww dirty people its not a boy its my very own harley davidson .. I reached school and saw kiara and zack making out vigourously in front of my locker "Awww myy virgin eyes .. Shitt im scarred for life " .. I removed my hands from my eyes and saw kiara blushing hard and zack seeing me with amusement in his eyes ... Someone slung an arm over my shoulders .. I turned and and saw nathan smiling at me .. Holyy mary how does he manage to look this hawttt .. "like what you see? " he said bringing me back to my senses .. " i have seen much better boyy.. Dont flatter yourself " ... He shook his head and said " heyy wanna hit the beach tomorrow .. " .. " hell yeahhh ... " we all said together .. The bell rang and we all scattered away and before going i gave kiara better tell me everything or else face and walked to our classess... Day went by and i came to know that zack had a crush on kiara for like forever and didnt have the guts to admit it and vice versa and now they are dating ..

Next day -:

I was woken up to kiara singing jar of hearts more like screaming .. I groaned and said "pleasee kia i love my ears dearly please dont kill them .." .. She stuck her tounge out and sat on bed and started chanting " beach .. Beach.. Beach.." ... "geez women calm your tits ".. She shook her head .. I went to bathroom and did my deeds and grabbed a back and put my bikni , sunscreen , ipod , and raybans in it.. We went downstairs and ate our breakfast in peace .. We reached the beach and met the boys there .. Boy should i tell you i was gonna faint seeing nathan shirtless .. The way those muscles flexed and damn those rock hard abs .. All i want to do is pour some choclate on those delicious rock hard abs and lick it ... Damnn you hormones ...

Me and kiara went to changed into our bikni .. I wore a royal blue one and she wore red one ... When we came out we heard a bunch wolf whistles and saw a bunch of boys checking us .. I heard a growl and saw zack behind kiara gritting his teeth .. "MINE" .. What is he a werewolf or something ?? I flicked them off and turned around to see nathan staring at my boobs and legs ... " oieee mister ... Eyes up here" i said and smirked .. His eyes flickered to meet mine and i met dark blue eyes filled with lust .. He shook his head and met my eyes again and started blushing hard ...

Damnnn its going to be one heck of a day ..

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