So screwed

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Damn damn damn im so screwddd. Nathan would be the last person i would have thought to know my secret. But now that he saw me i m sure as hell im going to be bombarded with questions. And to escape it i just ran away from there.

I ran into changing rooms and showered and dressed and went home quickly.

Next day when went to school i sure as hell was afraid to face liam and a questioning nathan. After that kiss sexual tension between has rised to a whole new level. If his hand brushes mine, or he smiles at me or his hand touches my thigh accidently all i wanted was to do one think. JUMP HIM AND KISS THE HELL OUT OF HIM THEN AND THERE. I dont what it is but im feeling something strange with him these days. When he is laughing my heart just swells at sound of his laugh. When he cries i feel like crying with him.

Kiara said only one thing after listening to all this. I like him.
But i just laughed and brushed it off.

When i was going towards my class i saw liam. He turned towards me and smirked at me.
An evil smirk. It just brought shivers down my spine. A bad shiver. I just ignored him and went ahead .

During lunch when we were all sitting together nathan asked about my biggest secret. A secret i wished no one anyone knew about. I just brushed it off and changed the topic.

After lunch when i was going to class i saw him standing near his locker with a girl constantly flirting with him. He just smiled at all the things he said. I felt something bad grow inside like the want to strangle that girl to death. At that moment i was reminded of the kiara said that day and i realised ..

I like him.... Shit Im screwed

The Bad Girl And The Good BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon