The kidnapping

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Their are times when you know after all the goodness something bad is gonna happen ... Yepp it does .. That is why i am bringing you to my current situation in which i am sitting in a goddown god knows where wrapped in a chair which is burning my hands like a vervain burns a vampire..

I was walking to the school all happy and merry when from the corner of street a car came rushing down as if it had 100 elephants chasing it .. It came to a stop right in front of me. Its door opened and a bouncer like person came out like and grabbed my hands and pushed me inside the truck. I was in such a shock that i didnt say anything for some times and then i started shouting like hell .." help .. Help somebody help me.." and right after that line my mouth was stuffed with a handkercheif .. I dont know what happened after that because of the chloroform they gave me..

I opened my eyes and my head was hurting as hell.. I saw around and realised i was is an abandoned room with scrapes of wood here and there..

The door opened and came in the man i dreaded the most...


"hellooo there sweetheart.. Missed me" he said in a voice trying to sound sweet but i could see the wicked grin on his face. He smiled and took a chair and brought it in front of me and sat on it. He drew out his hand and tries touching my face but i flinched away by mere thought of him touching me..

"well well well i think my kitty hear has grown a bone " he said. But suddenly he grabbed the back of hair so tightly and drew my head backwards. "let me tell you one thing peyton. YOU ARE MINE. And no one can take you away from me . Not even your that dumbass of a boyfriend. So accept your fate and become mine or else i will have to do it forcefully"he spitted right on my face.

Tears came in my eyes and i shivered with disgust my the things he just said. Please dont let this happen. I love nathan. I cant live without him. All i could say right now was..

Helpp mee.....

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