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A girls biggest dream during her high school is having the most memorable prom. So did i have and mine changed my life 180 degree. Lets see how it did.

5 hours earlier-:

"oh my god... Oh my god.. Peyton what if i look bad? What if i trip? What if .." kiara ranted. I took a deep breath and caught her shoulder and gave a smack on her head. "stop worrying.. You are looking pretty amd you wont do anything foolish. Just take deep breathe and relax. " i said. She smiled softly and nodded. We dressed ourselves for next 3 hours. Someone knocked on my bedroom door and in came my mom and dad...

"oh my goshhh.. My baby looks so pretty.. Sweety you both look like angels" my mother gushed. My dad smiled sweetly and came hugged us both. " you both look beautiful" . We smiled and suddenly the front door bell rang. "ill get it" dad said winking at me. I shook my head and laughed. After few minutes we heard him calling us downstairs. We grabbed our clutches and went towards staircase. As we were half way down the stairs i saw nathan and zack. Nathan was wearing a sleek black tuxedo with a red tie looking like a model on ramp with hair perfectly gelled. Zack was wearing a same tuxedo but with a bow tie with his hair left undone which made him look cute. Nathan saw me coming and his eyes went wide as stared me up and down. I was wearing a royal blue dress. I smiled and winked at him to which he replied with his famous smirk.

I reached him when he took my hand and pulled me towards his side. "you are looking beautiful babe" he said. "you dont look bad yourself" i said. Mom and dad clicked our couple pictures and went towards our school in limo.

We reached our school which was decorated in a fairy tail pattern. We reached our auditorium which was looking beautiful with cottons falling from top making it look like a snowfall. We all reached our table and sat. Nathan and zack went to take our drinks when natalie arrived. "hey peyton.. You look beautiful"she said with a fake smile. "thank you nat but no thank you" i replied back. She huffed and went away. "what did she want?" nathan asked as he came back. "nothing.. Just usual natalie stuff" i said smiling. He shook his head and took my hand. "may i have this dance?" he asked in a sexy british accent." yes you may" i replied in the same tone.

We danced and swayed around. Our principal came up and announced mr and mrs prom which were nathan and kiara. They had their couple dance everyone else started dancing after sometime.

Nathan grabbed my hand and took me outside. "what happened nate?" i asked him. "just wait and watch"he replied sweetly. He opened his car back door and took a stereo out. He played the music and asked me for dance. We danced slowly to rhythm of music.

"peyt i have a gift for you" he said. His hand went into his pockets and took out a box. "this is for you" he said. I smiled and took it. I opened it to see a ring. My eyes went wide and i stared at him in shock."nateee..."i said nervously. "dont worry peyt.. Its a promise ring. It will tell you how much i love you and one day i will surely marry you." he said smiling lovingly at me. Tears came in my eyes as he put the ring in my finger." i love you nate"hugging him tightly. "i love you too peyton. Always and forever" he said. I turned my head and looked into his eyes.. At last i could say

He's mine.. All mine.

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