The confession

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It takes a lots of guts to spill your hearts out.. That to in case of boys because their ego is as big as their head.

There i was sitting in my class having such dreams that even holy water cannot purify me. Kiara was sitting beside me listening to what teacher was saying and time to time shaking her head at my deprived state..

I know it feels desperate but what can i do since his lips have touched mine the wanton lover inside has come alive. His lips have become like source of oxygen for me. His eyes have have become a source of peace for me and top it all his laugh. It is the only that brings butterflies in my stomach and make shiver run down my spine.

I was sitting in canteen having lunch with kiara , nathan and zack. I swear it takes a lot of will power to see them make out and controlling myself from jumping nathan's bones.

seriouslly i am falling hard for him..

Never in my life had i thought that i will love someone so muchh...

But its bitter side is that its one sided. I know he doesnt like me i can see it. Kiara says he does but i dont believe it .

With my sad thoughts i went towards my locker to collect my things and go home.

It happened when i closed my locker that i heard a commotion near entrance. I went towards it and saw a large crowd formed around something and people were cheering someone. But what caught my attention was his name. NATHAN. I went through the crowd and saw nathan and liam fighting.



I ran towards nathan and grabbed him by his arms pulling him away.. "nathan stop it... Why are you fighting ??? Hes not worth it nate .. Leave him"..
When he turned towards me his eyes were dark blue. He was angry like he was about to kill liam. His expressions softened when he saw me and left liam's collar ..

I was taking him away from fight when liam asked in an amusing tone "what happened scott ??? Got scared ?? Why do you care about peyton so much huh.. She is a slut like other .. Dont tt" he was cut short my nathan's fist ..
"say a word about her and i swear to god i will shred you into pieces... SHE IS MINE .. I LOVE HER SO MUCH THAT I WOULDNT MIND KILLING ANYONE WHO EVEN STARES AT HER.." .. My eyes literally popped out when i heard those words..

He loves me ??? OMG..

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