1 - First Day

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Please note that this book has been written on my first Wattpad account 2-3 years ago. I recently deleted it from that account and republished it here. THIS BOOK HAS NOT UNDERGONE ANY EDITING OR PROOFREADING in the process so expect grammatical and typographical errors every now and then.

Also, this book has been written when I was still 14 years old, so there will be stereotypical scenarios and the like. I didn't want to delete the story for good because this is the first book I've ever finished.

You've been warned.

Cover by julixnx-

Chapter 1


After five minutes of staring at the ceiling of my bedroom I decided to get up and prepare for first day of school. I took a bath, combed my hair, then went on choosing my outfit for the day. I may not be the girly girly type but I'm sure as hell that I'm having a hard time choosing what to wear.

In the end, I decided to wear something warm, the sun may be up now, but that doesn't stop the cold from biting through my skin. Now this is one of the many unusual things about me, I feel so cold all the time. The heater is on, but right now I want to wrap myself with my blanket and drink a steaming mug of hot chocolate. I guess taking a cold shower only made it worse.

After putting on my clothes I faced the mirror. An orange-head girl is staring back at me. Her hair is almost the replica of Hayley's hair from Paramore. She's wearing a white shirt underneath her black shiny jacket adorned with chains and thorns. Her upper attire is matched with black shiny skinny jeans and black army boots. Her ears are pierced with silver and black earrings in a neat way.
Yup, that's me. You might think I'm some kind of a goody-two-shoes girl or the nerd one, no. I'm just one of the daughters who hate their lives and love to dress up like a rockstar.

After making sure that I'm done dressing up I started walking downstairs. The smell of pancakes indicated that Mom is already up and cooking for breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Mom on her office attire with an apron while busily making pancakes. I wasn't making any sound but the moment I stepped in, she quickly turned around like she already knew that I was there.

The upward curve of her lips quickly reversed, from smile to frown, as I set my bag on the chair and sat on it.

"Now young lady," She began, "That is not a good attire for your first day of school as a transferee."

I clicked my tongue. Everytime Mom corrects the way I do things she makes me feel like I'm not 17 and I can't make decisions for myself, and I hate it.

"That's just a simple way of saying Back off to all bullies Mom," I said, "And plus, it's better than dressing up like a slut."

She shook her head, clearly saying she disagrees, "You have a point there, but can't you just dress up into something that says I don't want any trouble or something like I'll stay out of your way so stay out of mine too ?"

I snorted. Now that's more like my Mom, she always teaches me lessons in an amusing way, and that's what I like about her. But despite the fact that I was amused, I shook my head in refusal, "I think I'll stick with the Back off Mom, it says less, but means more." I said and she smiles.

"Good point again," She said and turns back to her pancakes, "You really are a smart mouth." She mumbled to herself while setting the food on the table.

After eating, Mom said that she'll drive me to school, but I insisted that I'm walking, since it only takes 10 minutes to walk there. To say that you're driving there would be like saying you are lazy. She again insisted since I'm a transferee and I could get lost. Now that's sweet, but I don't want to sound like a grade schooler accompanied by my Mom as I go to my classes. The Back off projection would be worthless then.

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