21 - The Weird Redhead

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Chapter 21

As soon as the person touched the knob outside, Rogziel and I must've had the same reflexes, for we both ran towards the door behind me that must be a bathroom. When I got in, I thought he was going to follow me, but he just closed the door after I got through and quickly walked away.

Not having ample time to debate whether he should get in too or not, all I could do was to sit on the covered toilet bowl and close my eyes, concentrating on my ears as I try to listen to Rogziel and the unexpected visitor just behind the door.

Nael's lessons really came in handy.

"What brings you here?" I heard Rogziel ask, sounding calm like we weren't almost caught sitting on the same bed together.

I heard a bit of shuffling and the sound of the mattress stretching as someone sits on it before a familiar voice answered.

"Why are you having a fight with Nat again?" I heard Sraosha's voice louder than Rogziel's. What's different is that she sounded so strict, like a professor with anger management issues. This was way different with the Sraosha I just talked to earlier, but I'm sure it's her. Her sexy and seductive voice silently shouted authority and demanded respect. It is her.

"Don't worry, I took it easy on him," Rogziel answered boredly and I heard footsteps across the room, like he was walking back and forth.

"I don't care how you fought with Nat, just don't hurt him," Sraosha said, making my eyes meet in confusion as she continues. "And also, don't forget what you should do too. You have to keep her---"

"You don't have to keep on blabbing out the same thing the whole week. I know what I'm supposed to do," Rogziel snapped at her. It took me almost anything just not to jump at the sudden anger and fury I detect from his voice.

They don't talk like they were together once. What are they talking about anyway? Why do they have to almost shout at each other?

"I hope you won't forget Bar," Sraosha said. "Because no matter how much I want to serve as her Guardian, I also have other Angels to protect. No matter what you do, keep her away from my cousin."

With that, my mouth opened by itself. Nat is her cousin? And Guardian? What Guardian? And keep 'her' away from Nat? Who's her?

"You make sure you stay out of this and let me handle the whole thing," Rogziel said, and I swear I can hear him gritting his teeth.

"I'll let you handle it for now," Sraosha replied, and I heard the sound of her boots on the tiled floor and the sound of a door opening. "But if she gets one step more than being a friend with my cousin, I have to be frank to her."

The sound of the door closing ended the conversation. I instantly forgot that I was still inside the bathroom as I tried to ponder on what Sraosha was talking out. Somehow, if I put it in one way I know, it all fits.

"---one step closer than being a friend with my cousin," I whispered as I stared at the mirror above the sink just across me. Because I was sitting on the toilet bowl, I can only see my face on the mirror, the rest is no longer reflected.

Why do I suddenly have this feeling that Sraosha wants me to stay away from Nael?
I was the only woman Nael was with this last few days, and clearly almost everyone thinks that we're together even though we're not. There was no way Sraosha meant another woman everytime she pairs 'her' with Nael. It didn't make any sense if it wasn't me. I'm too smart not to fit everything together.

Do I bring destruction that much that she wants me to stay away from Nael?

The door suddenly opened, shaking me out of my thoughts. Rogziel stood in front of me as I stared up at him.

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