Chapter 1

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Hey everyone!

This is my first story so tell me what you think :)


4 o’clock. 4 o’clock in the morning. 4 o’clock in the morning and I’m awake. No, it’s not because I’m coming home after a night out. In face right now I’m walking out of my front door.


And there’s Melanie waiting in her car.

“Hey Mel” I said as I got in the car. “You know there are people sleeping?”

“Yes...but if we can’t sleep why should they?”

That’s what I love about my best friend she doesn’t care what people think about her.

I should probably introduce myself. I’m Lucy, Lucy Fisher. But no I’m not a fish and no I don’t like fishing. I’m 19 years old and live on my own. I’m Australian and have the worst sock tan! Anyway, I’ve got long brown hair and brown eyes. I’m quite short, around 5”5. I enjoy long romantic walks along the beach and talking about feelings and cuddling and doing everything cute couples do...with my teddy bear...or food...depends which ones near by...Yes I’m weird don’t judge me. I’ll just do what Miley Cyrus says, ‘forget the haters cause somebody loves ya’, or should I just twerk on them...anyway...

Melanie Riggins is my best friend. She’s also 19 and lives on her own. And yes she’s Australian but doesn’t have a sock tan. Damn her! She has shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes. She’s a little taller than me, probably around 5”6. She also enjoys long romantic walks along the beach and talking about feelings and cuddling and doing everything cute couples do, like me except with her boyfriend, Jake. Jake and I have a love hate relationship. Don’t worry he’s not my ex or anything. We’ve known each other since we were five and are practically brother and sister.

I’m pretty sure Mel and I were separated at birth. Despite the fact that our hair and eyes are completely different, we’re basically the same. We both dance, we both like partying. STRAYA MATE. We can’t live without music and we love food. I could go on for ages but I’m pretty sure you’d get bored and fall asleep or tell me to shut up and chuck something at me.

So...back to the car. Mel and I dance at a studio called ‘The Studio’. I know original right. And that’s where we’re going right now. At. 4. O’clock. In. The. Morning. In case you forgot. I don’t know why Amelia, our instructor, thought it would be a good idea for us to get to the studio so early but then again I don’t know why she thinks what she thinks most of the time.


What? What? There’s a white girl with a butt? Oh wait its Mel singing. Again.



“Geez Lucy you don’t have to yell. What do you want?”

“1. You missed the turn. 2. Shut up. 3. I don’t know how Jake puts up with you”

“For your information I knew I missed the turn I was just seeing if you were paying attention. I don’t want to shut up I like the song. And Jake’s exactly the same as me so he’s used to it”



“You missed the turn again” wow she’s a special one.

“Well I’m blaming you”

After Mel finally got the right turn we arrived at the studio. Walking in I saw the three other dancers in mine and Mel’s dance group, Belle, Hannah and Tia, and Amelia.

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