Chapter 14

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As we walked down to the limo a man hopped out of the front seat and opened the back door for us to get in. He was an old man who seemed like he was bored of his job but enjoyed it at the same time. People really need to make up their minds.

The inside of the limo was lit up by different coloured lights. Party in the back seat wooo! Don’t mind me...There was a mini table in the middle of the limo that had different coloured drinks on it.

“Ohh colourful drinks” Mel smiled while reaching over Hannah to grab a purple one

I’m assuming that the drinks were vodka cruisers. Once we were all settled in our seats we all grabbed a drink, including Mel who had finished her first. At this rate she’ll be drunk before we get to the club!


(Harry’s P.O.V)

PARTY TIME!!! The boys and I haven’t been to a party in a while. We’ve been so busy with the new album and promoting our movie This Is Us that we haven’t had time to relax and go out. But now we finally get to relax and let go.

Since we were all ready and already at the club we were just waiting on the girls. They all seemed like such nice and fun girls. Not to mention they weren’t that ugly either. That Lucy girl was quite hot...wait what? Shut up brain you don’t know what you’re saying.

I worry for my sanity sometimes...

We had, well Mike had, sent a limo to pick them up. I wonder what their reaction would be. I wish there was a camera there to film it. What Mike doesn’t know is that we put a bunch of vodka cruisers inside for the ride to the club.

They should be here- woah...

(Lucy’s P.O.V)

Finally we’re at the club. We all climbed out of the limo and onto the street outside. There were a few paparazzi and fans waiting for the boys. Wow these people have such interesting lives...

I could here to music pumping from inside the club. This night is going to be fun.

We all walked inside in little groups. I was next to Mel, Sarah was next to Hannah and Belle was next to Tia. The inside of the club was dark with the strobe lights going off everywhere. I can already tell that I won’t remember this night tomorrow.

From what I could gather the club was just rented out for One Direction, us and whoever else was invited. When we walked in it felt like everyone’s eyes were on us. Why do people feel the need to stare, it’s not very nice. We cautiously made our way down the steps onto the main floor of the club. I was instantly greeted with a hug.

“YOU’RE HERE” the voice shouted over the music

“YES?” I replied

The mystery hugging person stepped back and I saw that it was Louis. He then made he was over to Mel and everyone else giving them huge hugs. Next Zayn came up and gave us all hugs. The same with Niall and Liam. I noticed Niall hug Mel a little longer then everyone else. Hmmmm I sense something going on there. Finally Harry came over to greet us. He changed it up a bit by starting with Tia and finishing with me. I noticed he was a little hesitant to hug me but when he did it felt like I was in my bed he was that warm. I could’ve stayed like that for ages but sadly he pulled away.

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