Chapter 17

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finally chapter 17 is up!! i know it's been a long wait, sorry :(


Looking through my wardrobe I finally found an outfit suitable for a dinner outing. I chose a blue maxi skirt, a black top with the side cut out and black heeled booties. I picked up a blue bow from my jewellery table and clipped it into my hair (Outfit: I felt like being a little girly tonight.

Once I was ready Mel was walking out of the bathroom. We swapped rooms, I went into the bathroom to do my makeup and Mel looked through my wardrobe to borrow something to wear. I did my makeup natural but outlined my eyes a little more than usual with black eyeliner. I finished my makeup and looked in the mirror. The way I did my makeup made my eyes pop and the outfit I was wearing showed off my curves perfectly. I looked good if I do say so myself.

Walking out of the bathroom I saw that Mel was ready and waiting on my bed on her phone. Mel was wearing a coral coloured dress with a brown belt around her waist with pale pink heels. She accessorised her outfit with a silver necklace which was different lengths (Outfit:

“Smile” Mel instructed me as she stood up and came to stand next at me

Mel held up her phone in front of us and we smiled at the camera. Once she was done she went on the twitter app

@itsjustMel: out for dinner with the girls and boys! We’ve made ourselves look pretty @Lucy_Fisher

My phone vibrated with a notification from twitter. I looked at it and then at my own page. What?! 200 000 followers?! What?! That’s crazy! I guess that’s what happens when you know the biggest boy band in the world.

We walked downstairs and awaited the call from Paul to tell us he was outside. The call came soon after we sat down. We moved outside and got into the van. ‘Hellos’ were said all around the van. I was suddenly pulled into someone’s side.

“Hello there beautiful” a voice whispered in my ear

I looked up to where the voice was coming from and saw a smirking Harry.

“Hey there curly” I smiled up at him

(Harry’s P.O.V)

“Hey there curly” Lucy smiled up at me

I chuckled before saying “you look beautiful”

I saw a blush creep onto her cheeks before she looked down to her lap. I chuckled once again as I put my arm around her shoulder.

I only met Lucy a few days ago but I already felt like I’ve known her for my whole life. She’s got this ora about her that makes me want to know her more. I want to be around her all the time and her smile is simply amazing. If I’m honest with myself I don’t know where all these feelings came from but I like them. They’re showing me what it’s like to enjoy being in someone’s company so much. Wait what am I saying? I’ve never felt like this before.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the voice of Lucy “what are you thinking about?”

“Lots of things” I replied

“A penny for your thoughts?” Lucy asked

I didn’t really want to tell her exactly what I was thinking so luckily I couldn’t answer since Paul had stopped the car outside the restaurant.

“We’re here, maybe another time” I smiled cheekily at her

“I’m counting on that” she smiled back at me before getting out of the van.

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