Chapter 12

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(Harry’s P.O.V)

Wow. Wow. Wow. I’ve never seen a dance group put so much effort into a dance. I could tell, who I assumed to be their coach, was happy since she didn’t stop smiling throughout the whole performance.

For a while though everyone thought the second group wouldn’t be able to perform because two of them were late. The first group had already performed and to be honest it seemed like they were trying too hard. They were all wearing exactly the same thing, which I guess is good, but it didn’t leave much to the imagination. Normally I wouldn’t have minded but it made me want to stop them before something ripped.

The second group was meant to perform straight after them but as I said two members of the group hadn’t turned up yet. Everyone was trying to work something out while the first group just stood there smugly. This made me dislike them even more.

But when the door suddenly barged open and three girls came stumbling in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them. They must have noticed because they quickly made their way over to the stressing dance group. I couldn’t help but laugh quietly at them.

Soon after the dance group made their way over to the dance floor and got ready to dance. They all huddled in a small group and did whatever they do when they huddle in small groups. This made me smile as they reminded me of us boys. Their small action towards each other showed me that they all cared about each other and have probably gone through loads together. Yes, I know, deep...

When Last First Kiss started I smiled. It wasn’t what I expected them to dance to so it was nice to be surprised. They put everything into the dance while looking like they were having fun. It was good to know that they enjoyed what they were doing.

Once they finished they were all breathing heavily while everyone clapped. They ran off over to two girls, one of them I know is their coach but I don’t know who the other one is. They all shared a group hug before they let go and the unknown girl started jumping up and down screaming like a fan girl. Well...she must be a fan. I chuckled and turned to the boys.

“What are you smiling at?” Liam asked

“That girl over there” I said as I pointed to the jumping girl “she looks like a fan”

The boys turned and looked at her then smiled

“Should we surprise her?” Louis smiled mischievously

“I think it would be rude not too” Niall replied while standing up from the table we were all sat at

We all made are quickly but quietly over to the group of girls that surrounded the jumping girl. We stood as part of the group without them noticing. The jumping girl was now jumping around in a circle while the others just stared at her in amusement. She soon stopped though when she faced us.

“Hi” we smiled and waved

The girl who was previously jumping looked as though she was about to faint. She just stood there gaping at us. That was until the girl on her left hit her, rather hardly, on the back of the head.

“OI! What was that for?!” she exclaimed

“Ah she speaks” Louis said

The jumping girl, as I now call her before I find out her name, turned to Louis and froze again. Again that was until the girl on her right hit on her head again.

“Why are people hitting me?! What did I ever do to you?!” jumping girl nearly yelled as she looked back and forth between the two girls next to her.

“Sorry to interrupt girls but what are your names?” Zayn suddenly asked

Jumping girl turned again to face us and didn’t say a single word.

“Oh my god Sarah he just asked you a question and you don’t reply” the girl to jumping girl, Sarah, said annoyed

Sarah gave her a look before turning to Zayn, taking a deep breath and continuing “I-I’m S-sa-arah” she stuttered

“Well I’m Zayn” Zayn replied to her

“I know that you idiot” Sarah said in a duh tone to Zayn. He put his hands up in defence as the rest of us laughed.

“What about you girls?” Liam asked

“I’m Hannah” a girl with mousey blonde hair replied

“I’m Belle” a girl with brown hair said

“I’m Mel” a girl with blonde hair smiled

“People call me Tia but you can call me Tia” a girl with brown hair with lighter highlights said then laughed

The last girl, with long brown hair, looked at her weirdly before starting “I’m Lucy” she smiled.

“Well I’m Liam, this is Niall –” Liam started before he was cut off by the girls


Well these girls are interesting.

“Well girls it was nice to meet you but we should get back to choosing a winner” I smiled and winked

The girls smiled before us boys turned and walked away back to the long table. We sat down a began to talk about the two dance groups.

“I think we should choose –


i'm so sorry this is short. i'll make tomorrows update extra long 

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