Chapter 15

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hey guys! as i promised i'm updating! so enjoy chapter 15


(Lucy’s P.O.V)

I woke up to the sound of the TV. Ugh why is Sarah up so early? What is wrong with this girl?

I rolled out of bed still half asleep and dragged my feet towards the door. I followed the noise coming from the TV and found someone sitting on the couch. This person was not Sarah and I was not in my house.

“OH MY GOD I’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED” I yelled suddenly waking up “WHY WOULD YOU KIDNAP ME I HAVE NO MONEY” I ran in front of the unknown person sitting on the couch.

The person had a look of shock on their face and I saw Harry walk through the door.

“HARRY WE’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED OH MY GOD WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO” I yelled quickly making my way over to Harry. He just stood there laughing at me.

“What?” I asked a little quieter

“We haven’t been kidnapped Lucy” Harry explained

“Well then Mr know it all explain the random person on the couch and why I’m not in my own house and why I’m in the same room as you” I said in one breath

“Well the random person on the couch is Paul our tour manager, you’re not in your own house because I brought you here from the club last night and you’re in the same room as me because I just walked in and you ran up to me” Harry replied pleased with his answer

“Well...whatever” I said before walking over to what seemed like a kitchen “HARRY”

“WHAT?” Harry yelled back


“Well Miss damsel in distress I doubt you could hurt yourself in this kitchen” Harry said while walking into the kitchen

“Well Mr not knight in shining armour I could if there was anything in here but there’s not. What are you trying to do? Starve me?” I said to Harry

“This is a hotel why would there be food?” I tall strong man said, Paul if I remember correctly, walking into the kitchen to join Harry and I “I’m Paul and you must be Lucy if I’m correct from all the yelling” he smiled

“People do call me Lucy but at this moment in time you can call me starving” I replied to Paul

He chuckled before continuing “why don’t I get the boys and we can go get some breakfast?”

“Can I call the girls?” I asked

“No, you’re kidnapped remember” Paul joked

“Shush” I said while pulling out my phone to call the rest of the girls.

Once I had called the girls and found out they could all come except for Sarah who had to get to the airport in time for her flight back to England Paul ushered Harry and I out the door.

“Wait a second” I said as I stopped right in front of Paul and Harry “I need clothes”

“You’re wearing clothes” Harry informed me

“I’m not going to breakfast in a dress that I wore last night and slept in” I retorted

“Ok, we’ll take you back to your place before meeting up with the girls for breakfast” Paul said

“What about the boys” I asked a little confused

“They’ll come with us to your place” Paul smiled before walking to the elevator

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