Chapter 10

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oh my god i am so sorry that i've taken so long to update 

but here's chapter 10


(Lucy’s P.O.V)

Today is the day. Today is the day that we perform our dance in front of One Direction’s manager and whoever else is there. This will be fun.

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking orange juice when Sarah walked in.

“Morning” Sarah greeted me

“Morning” I replied

“Ready for today?” she asked

“Yup!” I said popping the ‘p’ “it’ll be fun”

Sarah nodded while making her way over to the fridge

“I’ve got to go get ready” I told Sarah and walked up to my room

I quickly showered and walked over to my wardrobe. Picking out black leggings with flowers on them, a black singlet and black high top converse (Outfit:  I got dressed and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs Sarah wasn’t there. I looked in every room before eventually heading outside and seeing Mel’s car. Sarah was sitting inside talking to Mel about who knows what.

“Well thanks for telling me you were here” I said sarcastically as I hopped inside the car

“Good to see you too Lucy” Mel sassed back

The car ride was quiet for a while with just the sound of the radio playing in the background before Sarah suddenly screamed. Mel hit the brake sending Mel and I flying forward.

“WHAT?!” I yelled at Sarah

“ONE DIRECTION ARE IN AUSTRALIA TOMORROW” she screamed while smiling like a kid on Christmas


“Sorry” Sarah said sheepishly

Mel restarted the car and continued to The Studio. Surprisingly One Direction’s manager was coming to our studio instead of us having to meet him somewhere.

Walking inside we saw people everywhere. There were people in suits, people not in suits and people rushing around everywhere. Mel, Sarah and I quickly made our way over to the others standing in a corner.

“Should I ask why you guys are standing in a corner?” Mel asked when were next to them

“There’s so many people” Belle said

“No shit Sherlock” I said

“Amelia’s not here yet” Hannah informed us

“I called her and she said she’s parking now” Tia said

Just as Tia finished talking Amelia came running over to us.

“You ready girls?” she asked

We all nodded as an answer

“Good because they don’t have much time so we better get moving” she informed us as she pushed us over to where, I’m assuming, One Direction’s manager must be.

“Mike (I don’t know their manager’s name) these are the girls” Amelia said to Mike

So Mike’s the manager...

“Good to meet you girls” Mike said while shaking each of our hands “so let’s get started”

We all made our way into our positions on the dance floor and waited for the music to start. We danced are hearts out and by the end of the song we were all out of breath.

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