Chapter 29

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(Lucy’s P.O.V)




I slowly opened my eyes to see I wasn’t in my own bed. I tried to roll over but there was a weight stopping me. I pulled the sheet back a little to see Harry’s arm wrapped securely around my waist. I shuffled in my spot before I was able to turn around and face Harry.

His lips were slightly parted which meant he was the one making weird noises before. His curly hair was flat over his forehead slightly covering his eyes. Slowly I moved my arm and moved a few of his curls away. He looked so peaceful...

“Staring is rude” Harry mumbled, his eyes still closed

“Trapping someone is rude” I retorted

“You seemed comfortable last night” Harry said opening his eyes

“I never said I wasn’t” I chuckled trying to get up

“Where are you going?” Harry asked tightening his grip around my waist

“To the toilet unless you want me to go in the bed” I said sarcastically

Harry chuckled letting me go. I climbed out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. I did my business flushing the toilet and looking at myself in the mirror. My hair looked like a bird made a nest out of it, my eyes looked a little like panda eyes and over all my face wasn’t looking its best. I’ll have to make sure that if I spend the night with Harry again to wake up before him to fix my face.

I’m not one of those girls who feel as though they always have to wear makeup. But in the morning I hate looking like a ghost who hasn’t seen a hairbrush in years.

I looked around the bathroom quickly to see nothing to help me. I decided to wash my face roughly to try and get rid of the black underlines my left over mascara had given me and put my hair in an extremely messy bun.

Walking back into the bedroom I saw that Harry was still in bed and most likely asleep. I smirked to myself before quickly moving to the bed and jumping on top of Harry.

“Ugh” he groaned

“Wakey wakey” I smiled down at him

“Well hello there” Harry moved underneath me so that I was straddling him

“Breakfast?” I asked

“Nah I think I like this position” he smirked

“Breakfast” I said strongly

“Kiss?” Harry smiled cheekily

“Hmm no” I smiled at him

“I think yes” Harry said before pulling me down to meet his lips

I laughed into the kiss as Harry moved his hand to my waist. I felt Harry swipe his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entry. Denying only caused him to moan in annoyance.

“Lucy” Harry mumbled against my lips

“Breakfast” I mumbled back

He chuckled before placing a small peck on my lips and pulling back

“Well come on then bossy”

I smiled is success and climbed off Harry. I walked out of the room with Harry following me.

“Morning you two” Eleanor greeted us

“Morning” I smiled at her

I moved around the kitchen island to stand on the same side as Eleanor. Louis walked into the kitchen soon after. He stood next to Harry as we started up a conversation.

“What’s the plan for today?” Eleanor asked

“We’ve got another concert tonight” Louis answered

“Anything until then?” I asked

“Nope” Harry smiled

“Beach?” Louis asked

“YES” Harry, Eleanor and I exclaimed

“I’ll call the others” Louis said

“I’ll called the rest of the girls” I told everyone

I walked back into Harry’s room and found my phone on the bedside table. I opened up a new group text to Hannah, Mel, Tia and Belle.

Hannah: I’ve got to go see my dad sorry L see you tonight x

Hannah’s mum and dad are divorced and she lives with her mum so she only sees her dad every once in a while.

Mel: awesome! See you soon girlie x

That’s 2 down 2 to go.

Tia: I would but I need to work today L

Tia, as well as being a back up dancer, worked for a local clothes store.

Belle: I’m spending time with the boyfee ;) see you tonight J

Well I guess that only the boys, Mel, Eleanor and I will be going to the beach today. I walked back into the kitchen and sat on the bench. Louis was on the phone to one of the boys, Eleanor was...well I have no idea and Harry was currently walking over to me.

“They coming?” he asked standing in between my legs

“Only Mel, but we’ll see the others tonight” I answered

“Ok, I’m going to get dressed, you coming?” Harry asked

“I would if you moved” I told him

“Or I could just carry you” he smirked picking me up from the waist causing me to wrap my legs around his waist

“Harry!” I exclaimed laughing

He threw me down on the bed laughing.

“You may now get dressed” he told me

“Why thank you” I sassed

“There are swimmers in the top draw” Harry told me walking into the bathroom

I raised my eyebrows at him which caused him to laugh

“Management dropped them over” he told me

I nodded my head walking over to the wardrobe. I heard the bathroom door close which told me I wouldn’t have Harry peeking in on me...hopefully. I opened the draw and picked out a yellow strapless bikini which had frills on the top and sides of the bottom. There was a white dress in the draw as well which I picked out and put over the bikini (Outfit: Once I was done I walked out of the room to see Eleanor and Louis waiting by the door.

“We’re meeting the boys there, where’s Harry?” Louis asked

“Right here” Harry replied

“Let’s go!” I cheered “Mel’s meeting us there”


sorry for the shit chapter :/

it was a bit of a filler chapter


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