Chapter 9

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hey ho chapter 9


(Harry’s P.O.V)






“I’m not Niall”


Well that’s a new voice. I rolled over onto my back and saw two people standing in my room.


“Well good morning to you too Harry” Louis sassed

“What” I repeated

“Get up” Eleanor ordered

I groaned and rolled back over onto my stomach. I was about to fall back to sleep before my doona was yanked off me and I was being dragged from the bed. I landed with a thud on the floor.

“Ow. What was that for?” I asked looking at the annoying couple

“You weren’t getting up” Eleanor said simply

“I hate you both” I mumbled as I stood up and walked over to my bathroom

“Love you too Harry” Louis and Eleanor called out at the same time

I closed the door to my bathroom and turned on the shower. Once the water was warm I stepped inside and washed every part of my body. I jumped out 10 minutes later and made my way back into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist. I looked in my wardrobe and picked out black jeans, a red flannel and once again my signature boots.

I walked downstairs and saw Louis and Eleanor sitting at the kitchen bench. I walked over to them and sat beside Louis.

“What are we doing today?” I asked

“Nothing, we have a day off” Louis smiled

“So you’re stuck by yourself cause he spending the day with me” Eleanor stuck her tongue out at me

“I wouldn’t want to third wheel anyway” I said, got up and walked over to the fridge

I took out a jug of juice and poured myself a glass.

“We’re going now. Don’t do anything stupid on your own” Louis called before walking out the front door.

No I’m alone. Yay. I pulled out my phone and went on twitter, I hadn’t been on there in a while.

@Harry_Styles: day off and I’m all alone L

@Harry_Styles: but on the upside we’re going to Australia tomorrow!

Once I had tweeted twice my phone blew up with mentions from fans. Half were saying they’ll keep me company while the other half were telling me to have fun in Australia.

@NiallOfficial: @Harry_Styles come golfing

@Harry_Styles: @NiallOfficial sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you there

I put my phone on the kitchen counter and made my way up to my room again. I changed into shorts and polo; and outfit suitable to play golf in. I walked back down stairs, picked up my phone and made my way out the door and into my car.

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