Chapter 7

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sorry in advanced if you don't like this chapter i'm just trying to move the story on a bit


(Harry’s P.O.V)

I woke up to sun streaming through my window.

“The light! It burns!” I said weirdly

I heard laughs from all around me. I opened one eye and saw my mum, Robin and Gemma standing around my bed.

“Hello?” I greeted them as a question

“Morning sweetheart” my mum smiled

“Not to sound rude but why are you guys in my room?” I asked

“Well it’s noon and you need to get up so here we are” Gemma gestured to herself, mum and Robin

“Is it really noon?” I asked

“Yup” Robin said simply

“Oh..well I’ll need to get up so...” I said slowly

“We’re leaving” Gemma said quickly pulling mum and Robin out of my room

I chuckled and stood up out of bed. I stretched my back I moved over to the bathroom. I turned on the water and jumped into the shower soon after. Once I had washed all my body I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out black jeans, a white top and my signature boots.

I walked downstairs and saw Gemma, Robin and mum standing at the door.

“Took you long enough” Gemma said

“Well I wasn’t aware we were going anywhere” I retorted

“Well we are” Gemma sassed back

“Children!” my mum shouted at us “shut up!”

Gemma and I looked at mum with our eyebrows raised

“Out the door now before I change my mind about going” she said

Mum walked out the door followed by Robin and then Gemma and I

“Where are we going?” I asked

“Some where” Robin said simply

“Really? I thought we might not be going anywhere” I said in a duh tone

“It’s a surprise” mum concluded

I slumped back into my seat and relaxed until the car stopped. We all hopped out and I look around. We were in a field...

“Wow. Grass...” I said slowly

“We’re not there yet idiot” Gemma said slapping my head

I just rubbed my head and walked after mum and Robin who were far ahead of me and my sister. When mum and Robin stopped they were standing in front of a picnic mat.

“I thought we could have some family time before you went off to Australia” mum said and smiled

I smiled back at her and said “this is awesome mum”

We all sat down a dug into the picnic. It was great to have some quality time with my family without being disturbed by fans. Not that I don’t love talking to fans. They’re amazing with all their support.

Once the food was finished we all walked back to the car and hopped in. The ride back was quiet and relaxed. When we got back home and inside the house my phone started ringing. I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the caller ID, it was Louis

Harry – hey Lou

Louis – ello Haz

Harry – what’s up?

Louis – Paul called

Harry – and?

Louis – he wants us to start packing

Harry – what for?

Louis – Australia

Harry – I knew that...

Louis – course you did *laughs* see you soon

Harry – I’ll be there soon. Bye

Louis – byeeeee

I hung up and walked into the living room where the rest of my family was.

“Hey guys” I started “I need to go back to my flat to start packing for Australia”

Mum stood up and came over to me. She hugged me and said in my ear “have fun. I’ll miss you loads”

“I’ll miss you too mum” I said back

Next was Robin who gave me and manly hug before pulling away and saying good luck. Gemma gave me a huge hug and told me to have fun before pulling away. Just as I was about to exit the house Gemma called “and try to get a tan you pasty boy!”

I just laughed at her comment and waved behind my head to heading over to my car and getting in.

A while later I was outside my shared flat with Louis. I walked inside and saw mess all over the place.

“Louis?” I called

“In here” he called back

I walked over to his room and saw him throwing clothes everywhere

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Packing” Louis replied simply

“What the whole house?”

“No...just what I need” he said

“Then why is there clothes all over the house?” I smirked

“I need them” Louis replied before getting up and walking out of his room.

I chuckled while following him but making my way to my room. I pulled open all my draws and took out what I needed. I knew it was going to be quite hot in Australia so I packed for the weather.

2 hour later Louis and I were both packed. Well I was packed ages ago but Louis go distracted talking to Eleanor on the phone. Love sick puppy.

Soon it was 8 o’clock and we decided to order dinner and watch some TV. Turning the TV on the first show that appeared was X Factor. Ahh those were the days.

At about midnight I said goodnight to Louis and headed up to my room. I’ve missed sleeping in my comfy bed and warm doona. I jumped right in a quickly feel asleep. 


please follow me on twitter (@styles2twerk) and my personal instagram (@nuala__) please and thank you :))))

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